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Notice Name:

Ken Haskett and Eve Kearney extension

Print page
Development location: 
Glen Rowan, Coolisteigue, Clonlara, Co Clare V94D9P7, , Clonlara, Clare, V94 D9P7
To construct an extension on to existing dwelling to the front and rear of the dwelling and attic conversion, together with the construction of 4 dormers to the front roof, 2 dormers to the rear roof and a dormer and velux window on the roof of the rear extension, together with the construction of a garage to the rear of the dwelling to be used for storage, together with general landscaping and all associated works at the development address
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice with Opt Out Declaration
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Clare County Council
Commencement date: 
Thursday, 10 October, 2024
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Thursday, 26 September, 2024


Owner name: 
kenneth haskett
Owner address: 
Glen Rowan, Coolisteigue, Clonlara, Co Clare V94D9P7, Clonlara, Clare, v94d9p7


Builder name: 
kenneth haskett

Builder address

Glen Rowan, Coolisteigue, Clonlara, Co Clare V94D9P7, Clonlara, Clare, v94d9p7


Designer name: 
kenneth haskett

Designer address

Glen Rowan, Coolisteigue, Clonlara, Co Clare V94D9P7, Clonlara, Clare, v94d9p7
