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Notice Name:

St Anthonys Building Kilcoole National School

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Development location: 
Main Street, , Kilcoole, Wicklow, A63 E957
St Anthonys NS Demolition of the existing St. Anthony's Building roof, and construction of:- new pitched and flat roof to existing building with internal courtyard, two new corridors to form new external classroom, two new link corridors, a single storeyprimary school extension with 4 primary school classrooms, Gp Hall (195sqm) Multipurpose Room (20 sqm), Admin OfEce (l6sqm) Z no SBf rooms (l6sqm each), Library/Re:o.F.t Room (66sqm) and ancillary accommodati,on (total extension area 1,110 sqm), 12 no. new carparking spaces, 36 no. bicycle spaces, new pedeskian entrance, gates, stairs and ramps and works to Kilcoole Road R761, new boundary treatnent and landscaping, new foul and surface water drainage, new hard play areas,,new ball court, including all associat"a *a ancillary works at Kilcoole Primary School, St. Anthony's Building, Main street, Kilcoole, co. Wicklow.
Notice type: 
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number: 
Local authority: 
Wicklow County Council
Commencement date: 
Monday, 7 October, 2024
Plannning permission number: 
Submission date: 
Sunday, 15 September, 2024


Owner name: 
Joanne McDonagh on behalf of The Board of Management
Owner address: 
Kilcoole Primary School, Kilcoole, XXX, Wicklow,


Builder name: 
Billy Mythen

Builder address

Longraigue, Foulksmills, Wexford,


Designer name: 
Deirdre Lennon

Designer address

177 Rathmines Road Lower , Dublin 6, Dublin , Dublin, D06 P8C7


Assigned Certifier Name: 
Kevin Rooney

Assigned Certifier address

20 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4,