5 Easons Hill
Print pageDevelopment location:
Easons Hill, Cork City, cork
the amalgamation of no. 4 and no. 5 Easons Hill to create 1 no. dwelling house with new site boundary, single storey extension to rear, elevational changes to front and rear and ancillary site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice Without Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 8 August, 2014
Submission date:
Friday, 1 August, 2014
Owner name:
Dominic Keating
Builder name:
Stephen Hogan
Builder address
14 woodlawn
school road
watergrasshill, watergrasshill, cork
Designer name:
Eric Waterman
Designer address
4 Union Quay, Cork, Cork, cork, T12 C7VK
Assigned Certifier Name:
Eric Waterman
Assigned Certifier address
4 Union Quay, Cork, Cork, cork, T12 C7VK