Print pageDevelopment location:
Works to Protected Structure Rahelly House (RPS-332; NIAH Reg. No. 32400822) associated site and buildings to include:
1. Rahelly House: Renovation and extension to Rahelly House as a private dwelling. Demolition of existing external modern staircase to south courtyard, four modern chimney stacks and modern staircase to front. Reconfiguration of existing modern front porch and windows to upper and lower ground floor hall on south courtyard side. Construction of three story lift shaft, terrace, external staircase, loggia, lower vestibule and store to south courtyard; and external staircase to front. Removal of existing fibre cement slates and replacement with reclaimed natural roof slate. Reconstruction and structural stabilisation of former first floor and restoration of three original external chimney stacks. Internal dry-lining of external walls. Removal of existing modern external cement render. Proposed external lime rendering of external walls and sundry external and internal repairs and alterations.
The refurbished, upgraded, altered and extended accommodation will consist of the following:
Lower Ground Floor: Billiards Room, Wine Cellar, Plant and IT, Cleaning Store, Breakfast Room, Ante, WC, Grand Staircase, Lower Vestibule, Store, Kitchen and Dining Room.
Upper Ground Floor: Two No. Bedrooms, En-suite, WC, Great Room, Lower Gallery, Entrance Hall, Upper Vestibule, Drawing Room and Parlour.
First Floor: Three No. Bedrooms, En-suite, Master En-suite, Walk in Wardrobe, WC, Ante and Upper Gallery.
2. Two story outbuildings and enclosed southern courtyard:
Refurbishment, repair, upgrading, alteration and development of existing outbuildings to provide self catering holiday rental accommodation comprising 5 apartments as follows:
Apartment 1: 245.25 square metre 4 Bed Duplex Apartment.
Apartment 2: 222.26 square metre 3 Bed Duplex Apartment.
Apartment 3: 179.29 square metre 2 Bed Duplex Apartment.
Apartment 4: 122.14 square metre 1 Bed Duplex Apartment.
Apartment 5: 159.48 square metre 2 Bed Duplex Apartment.
Insertion of 3 new openings to west elevation of proposed ‘Apartment 1’. Increase in head height to 3 existing openings to North elevation of proposed ‘Apartment 3’. Insertion of glazing to existing arches on west elevation to courtyard forming internal accommodation for Apartments ‘4’ and ‘5’. Insertion of raised timber ground floor preserving existing cobblestone floors. Internal dry-lining of external walls, sundry external and internal repairs and alterations. Proposed new external steps, landscaping and paving features to southern courtyard.
3. Single story outbuildings and enclosed northern courtyard:
Refurbishment, repair, upgrading, alteration and development of existing outbuildings to provide facilities ancillary to Rahelly House, proposed apartments and grounds as follows:
Apartment Activity Store, Apartment Ventilation Plant, Apartment Electrics Plant, Apartment Heating Plant, Plant Distribution Point. Insertion of new Gym and ancillary accommodation to Existing Stables, Apartment Laundry facility, Artist Studio, Study and Stores.
Restoration of existing stable block columns and demolition of existing blockwork between. Insertion of glazing behind existing columns forming enclosed accommodation for proposed Gym. Renewal of existing natural slate roof using salvaged slate to match. Insertion of new hard wood windows and doors to existing openings. Sundry external and internal repairs. Proposed new landscaping and paving features to northern courtyard.
4. Decommissioning of existing septic tank system and its replacement with a new onsite wastewater treatment system and associated site works. Accommodation in Rahelly House, two-story and single-story outbuildings will be served by this single waste water treatment system.
5. Setback and reconstruction of existing stone wall on public road to accommodate safe ingress and egress. Landscaping and resurfacing of proposed new setback. Construction of new lower vehicular entrance gates adjacent to existing public road. Works to existing laneway to include resurfacing and construction of new boundary walls and fences. Further landscaping and associated site works to grounds of Rahelly House.
At Rahelly, Cashelgarran, Co. Sligo.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Friday, 15 July, 2016
Submission date:
Tuesday, 21 June, 2016
Owner name:
Builder name:
Designer name:
Assigned Certifier Name: