Telecity Data Hall and Plant Enclosure
Print pageDevelopment location:
Unit 14, Northwest Business Park, Ballycoolin, dublin_15
The development consists of the provision for a new entrance gate and turnstile at the existing site entrance, new gate substation at the northwest corner of the site, 2,294sq.m. of new data hall space and associated areas, 2,112sq.m. of a single and two storey plant enclosure to the south and east of the existing building, a 9.0m high roof mounted telecoms tower at the southeast corner of the proposed extension, landscaping and all associated site works.
Notice type:
Commencement Notice With Compliance Documentation
Notice number:
Commencement date:
Wednesday, 20 August, 2014
Submission date:
Tuesday, 5 August, 2014
Owner name:
Maurice Mortell
Owner company:
TelecityGroup Ireland Ltd
Builder name:
James Reidy
Designer name:
David Gilligan
Designer address
20 Anglesea Road, BallsbridgeDublin 4, dublin_4
Assigned Certifier Name:
David Gilligan
Assigned Certifier address
20 Anglesea Road, BallsbridgeDublin 4, dublin_4
Certificate of Compliance on Completion:
Completion Certificate No.:
Completion Certificate No.: