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1680 results

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  • Thermo King Europe Proposed Feeder Extension Monivea Road, Mervue, Galway, galway, H91 K020

    The construction of an approximately 1600m2 extension to the main factory building. The development will also consist of the demolition of an existing store, disused wastewater treatment plant and ancillary buildings/ tanks and all associated site works.

    18/62 View details
  • Permission to demolish wall, lower existing public footpath and provide slope to frontage of existing house for car-parking . 71,Fr.Burke Road,, Galway, galway, H91 K3VY

    Permission to demolish wall, lower existing public footpath and provide slope to frontage of existing house for car-parking .

    18123 View details
  • 3 no. Apartments at Former Kingsvalley Dublin Road, Galway, galway

    Construction of three apartments at former Kingsvalley Hotel including all site and ancillary site works

    16/35 View details
  • Development at Béal Taoide, Coast Road, Galway - Phase 1 (Housing) 9 Roscam Park, Roscam, galway

    Greater Development consists of the Construction of 14No. dwelling houses on existing serviced sites at Béal Taoide, Coast Road, Galway. This Commencement Notice applies to the construction of 3No. units within the development, as shown in the drawings submitted along with this Commencement Notice submission.

    15/319 & 16/201 View details
  • Maeve Carroll/Barry Waters 1 Fuschia Drive, Galway, galway

    Permission to (a) remove windows on gable end of existing dwelling, (b) retain existing dwelling house on revised site boundaries, (c) construct a new two storey dwelling house on the remainder of the existing site including new entrance and all associated works.

    17/304 View details
  • Conversion of Existing Garage 6 Chestnut Close, Galway, galway, H91 FT6T

    Convert exiating garage to habitable accommodation including demolition of existing entrance porch and provision of new accessible entrance platform together with all ancilliary siteworks.

    17/331 View details
  • New Dwelling House 34 Merlin Park Lane, Galway, galway

    Permission to construct a two storey dwelling house, and all ancillary site works and services at Merlin Park Lane , Doughiska , Galway

    15/82 View details
  • New Dwelling House 33 Merlin Park Lane, Galway, galway

    Permission to construct a two storey dwelling house and all ancillary site works and services at Merlin Park Lane, Doughiska , Galway

    15/81 View details
  • M&M Qualtech Ltd Parkmore Industrial Estate, Parkmore, galway, H91 V3KP

    Construct Mezzanine floor area within the confines of the existing building including an enclosed external fire escape stairs, and to retain and make alterations to existing elevations including all associated site works

    18/86 View details
  • Chluain Mhuire Park, Mervue - Running Track, Park Upgrade and Pitches Chluain Mhuire, Mervue, Galway, galway

    Construction of a new running track, park upgrade and playing pitches at Chluain Mhuire (No Building)

    LA2/2012 View details



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