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1680 results

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  • Pop-Up Restaurant 19 Forster Street, Galway, galway, H91 C9Y3

    This open space at 19 Foster Street is being converted into a pop up restaurant made from shipping containers

    Application No.:
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  • Ice Rink at Leisureland, Salthill, Galway Upper Salthill Road, Galway, galway

    Erection of temporary marquee for leisure and entertainment purposes consisting of ice rink and all other ancillary areas

    Application No.:
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  • Extension at 8 Liam Mellows Terrace, Bohermore 8 Liam Mellows Terrace, Galway, galway

    Extension at 8 Liam Mellows Terrace, Bohermore

    18/191 View details
  • 23 Kingston Road 23 Kingston Road, Galway, galway, H91 YK8K

    Extension and renovation works at 23 Kingston Road

    17349 View details
  • Proposed house extension and garage 34 Rockbarton Road, Salthill, galway, H91 R6HW

    Proposed extension to a dwelling house, domestic garage and associated service

    18/229 View details
  • Kiltartan House 3rd Floor Forster Street, Galway, galway, H91 T1KX

    Change of use of part of existing retail unit on ground floor, provision of new fire escape hallway and external door from main stairwell, provision of disabled toilet and lobby at main entrance, relocation of Hostel reception to main entrance lobby, change of use of existing retail unit at ground floor to Self Catering Kitchen, dining and common room, change of use of existing third floor office space to hostel accommodation providing an extra sixteen en-suite bedrooms, common room, and management offices.

    17239 View details
  • Cormac & Orla Greaney Galway, galway, H91 ARR8

    Extension and alterations to an existing house

    17/300 View details
  • Domestic Violence Refuge, Forster Street, Galway, COPE Galway 47 Forster Street, Galway, galway, H91 Y0EY

    Change of use of the Convent building (which is a protected structure no. 4306) at 47 Forster Street, Galway, for use as a domestic violence refuge. The works include; the demolition of the existing boiler house, stores, rear corridor and other elements within the building and site; construction of new extension to rear; construction of attic extension at second floor level; material alterations and renovations of the existing building both internally and externally. All to provide nine self-contained residential units, staff accommodation, offices, outreach facilities, meeting rooms and childcare facility. The site works include new security fences and alterations to the entrance gate. Floor areas - 922 m² existing building / 265 m² new extensions.

    15/342 View details
  • Extension to McDonalds Westside Seamus Quirke Road, Galway, galway, H91 H3V6

    The development will consist of cladding over existing roof with composite aluminium with additional roof signage. Extension to existing collection booth (2.8 sq.m) with brick finish to match existing. New entrance lobby replacing existing lobby (1.4 sq.m). Alterations to existing corral, to be reduced in width and extended. Demolition and replacement of existing remote Corral. Alterations to existing drive thru lane to create side by side ordering points with additional order point with canopy and associated site works.

    18/109 View details
  • Adrian Grogan School Road, Castlegar, galway

    Dwelling house

    15/366 View details



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