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Radiation Oncology Centre at University Hospital Galway Newcastle Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a new 3 storey Radiation Oncology Centre with central atrium feature at University Hospital Galway. A new link corridor is also to be constructed connecting this centre back to the main hospital. The development consists of the following: Ground floor level - Radiotherapy Treatment / On Treatment Support department / Reception/ Waiting area. First floor level - Brachytherapy / CT Simulation / Plant. Second floor level - Consultant offices / Administration / Plant
Caireal Mor, Block R1 Cairéal Mór, Galway, galwayDescription:
Permission for the construction of 81 No. residential units in 8 No. two and three storey blocks at Caireal Mor, Headford Road, Galway
Permission to construct a single storey garage 37 Chestnut Lane, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a single storey domestic garage
Alan Kearney 16 Emerson Avenue, Salthill, galwayDescription:
Demolish and reconstruct dwellinghouse and all associated site services
Residential development at Tuairin, Coast Road, Galway, County Galway Coast Road, Roscam, galwayDescription:
Development at this site measuring circa 0.16 hectares at Tuairin, with access from the Oranmore Road (R338), Roscam, Galway. The proposals consist of a minor amendment for a change of house type within a previously approved residential development Reg Ref no 15/194 as amended by Reg Ref 17/89 and will comprise of the following- To replace the permitted two storey 4 bed house type B on site no’s 1, 4, 5 and 6 for a new three storey 4 bed house type B1, To replace the permitted two storey 3 bed house type C on site no’s 2 and 3 for a new three storey 4 bed house type C1, and including all associated site development works. This commencement notice relates to units no 15 to 33 Tuairin
Kenneth & Lara Nally Boleybeg, Keeraun, galwayDescription:
Construct new dwelling house and associated site works
Drive Through Restaurant, Gateway Shopping Park Western Distributor Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Restaurant part of the Gateway Shopping Park development previously permitted under Reg. Ref. 04/141 (Bord Ref. PL 61.210888). Fast food restaurant and drive thru with gross internal area of 455m.sg over two levels plus associated signage of 20m.sq to the external facade and surrounds.
FSC & DAC works at Galway Community College Wellpark Road, Galway, galway, H91 K642Description:
Installation of two new hydraulic passenger lifts & the construction of new pedestrian ramps & a new stairway and demolition of some existing ramps to facilitate the inclusion of wheelchair users within the College
Application No.: -
Forsa Office Galway Galway, galway, H91 N722Description:
Partial change of use, amalgamation and associated fit out of units 23 - 26 of Mulvoy Park Business Park, Sean Mulvoy Road, Galway
3921 New Dwelling At 'Aisling', Rockbarton North, Salthill, Galway Rockbarton North, Salthill, Galway, galway, H91 RDP0Description:
Demolition of an existing detached two storey dwelling and the construction of a new two storey 5 bed dwelling house and associated external works at ‘Aisling’ Rockbarton North, Salthill, Galway