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1685 results

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  • Glen Oaks re-development Rahoon, Galway, galway, H91 E727

    Construction of single storey rear extension of 56 sqm, comprising new common room and dining room. 2) Provide new staff toilets and changing area in existing basement = 19.4 sqm. 3) Change of use of existing ground floor bar, restaurant and staff area of 357 sqm to provide 13 new en-suite bedrooms. 4) Construct new 13 sqm enclosed yard at rear. 5) Construction of new extension at first and second floor over existing flat-roof area. Extension to provide 8 new en-suite bedrooms in 164 sqm over two levels.

    16247 View details
  • Boston Scientific Building 2 MOD 1 Utility Area BALLYBRIT BUSINESS PARK, Galway, galway, H91 RD63

    Works will consist of modifications to an existing north facing facade, the construction of 95m2 additional utility mezzanine floor area within an existing building, the construction of a roof access stairwell and penthouse, the provisions of roof mounted plant, the provision of additional external plant/utilities and compounds along the north of the building to support product finishing and distribution activities within the building.

    17/345 View details
  • New coffee shop Headford Road , Galway, galway, H91 XYY5

    Subdivision of existing building to provide new cafe on the ground floor.

    17/212 View details
  • New Extension To Existing Dwelling @ No. 76. Grattan Park, Galway No. 76. Grattan Park, Galway, galway, H91 H04C

    2-Storey Extension To Existing Dwelling @ No. 76. Grattan Park, Galway

    17/314 View details
  • Works to 70 Devon Park, Salthill, Galway 70 Devon Park, Salthill, Galway, Galway, galway, H91 TVC0

    Extensions to front and rear of dwelling and alterations.

    17/353 View details
  • House Extension, 29 Dun na Carraige, Salthill 29 Dun na Carraige, Galway, galway, H91 Y3XW

    The development consists of the demolition of existing garden shed, construction of a new two storey extension to the rear, new single storey extension to the front and side plus alterations to existing facades with associated site works and services.

    17265 View details
  • front extension st dominicks avenue, Galway, galway, H91 VRC9

    front extension comprising porch and replacing door with window

    17257 View details
  • Dwelling at 7 Radharc an Caislain, Roscam 7 Radharc An Chaisleain, Roscam, Galway, galway

    Construction of new dwelling house

    17/344 View details
  • Boston Scientific Building 2 MOD 1 Ballybrit Buisness Park, Galway, galway, H91 RD63

    The proposed works include the change of use of an industrial building into office use with a utility building. An new entrance ramp with step access and new fire exit stairs. External alteration include facade modifications, new glazing, fire exits doors, new roof access stair and guard rail.

    17/278 View details
  • 3692 Refurbishment & extension of an existing two storey dwelling at No.4 Nuns Island 4 Nuns Island, Galway, galway, H91 X67T

    3692 Conservation & refurbishment works, alterations and the construction of a two story / single story rear extension and all associated external works and services

    16/149 View details



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