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Cuirt Cheirin Housing Development Circular Road, Galway City, galwayDescription:
Overall project involves Construction of 17 no. Dwellings on existing serviced site at Cúirt Chéirín, Circular Road, Galway City. The Development will be carried out in approximately 4-5 phases. Phase 1 - 6 no. Dwellings, Phase 2 - 4 no. Dwellings, Phase 3 - 1 No. Dwelling, with subsequent phases to be confirmed. This Commencement Notice relates to Phase 3 (Unit 29).
13 High Street 13 High Street, Galway, galwayDescription:
Work will consist of repair and upgrading work and will include: Replacement of decayed timber lintels over ground and first floor windows and front door. Repair of cornice over signage board and pointing to front façade. Existing external cables to be boxed out to side of door. This is a Protected Structure Ref. No. 4512.
70 cimin mor 70 cimin mor, cappagh road, galwayDescription:
extension to dwelling
Demolition of Building 12 Lower Salthill Lower, Galway , galwayDescription:
Demolition of Building
Sli na Craoibhe Development Clybaun Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Site works to residential development including, all site services, roads, boundaries and all ancillary site works for complete site.
Sli na Craoibhe Development Clybaun Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Phase 1 of Development: Construction of 16 no. two and a half storey houses, public open space and road network along with ancillary site works
Material alterations to student hub, acoustic room and physiotherapy room area within an existing building.
Application No.: -
Change of use from office to restaurant 57 Lower Dominick St, Galway, galwayDescription:
Works for change of use of first and second floors from habitable use to restaurant use and for change of use of ground floor from existing office use to restaurant use, to install new manhole on public foothpath, Alterations to existing two no front doors and new signage to front facade previous pl ref 05/911 to protected structure rps 3223 at 57 lower dominick st galway
Mairead McGarry Ashgrove, Terryland, Galway, galwayDescription:
Additional storey to an existing extension to the back of an existing dwelling, including refurbishment at Ashgrove, Terryland, Galway.
Residential Development of 20 semi-detached units Murrough, Renmore, Galway, galwayDescription:
Residential Development of 20 semi-detached units (8 No. 4 bed units, 10 No. 3 bed units, 2 No. 2 bed units) and all associated site works at Murrough, Renmore, Galway