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Mayoralty House Merchants Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Alterations to 2 ground floor units at Mayoralty House, change of use to financial services, new entrance, shopfront & signage
Nuns Island Ltd Fearann Rí, Galway, galwayDescription:
a) Convert existing two car garage to a studio apartment and b) convert existing three car garage to one bedroom apartment, all with revised parking layout and all associated works and services.
New House at 32A Devon Park 32A Devon Park, Salthill, , Galway, galwayDescription:
New Dwelling house, associated site works and services at 32A Devon Park, Salthill, Galway
31 Dominick Street 31 Dominick street Lower, Galway, galwayDescription:
Repair works to front facade
9 no. houses at Dun na Mara, Renmore Dun na Mara, Renmore, galwayDescription:
Construction of 9 no. two and a half storey houses (consisting of 8 no. semi-detached and 1 no. detached) and all ancillary site works at Dun na Mara, Renmore
17-050 Ray Gibbons Ballyburke Td, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a two storey 5 bedroom dwelling (334 sqm.) connection to public mains sewer and all associated site works including new entrance.
Roads & Services Construction at Roshill Roscam Td, Roshill, galwayDescription:
Construction of roads and services at Roscam Td, Roshill Rd Galway
McSharry Pharmacy Group Ground Floor, Hanley House, The Crescent, galwayDescription:
Proposed Internal Fit-out of Medical Center & Chemist/Pharmacy to Ground Floor only and associated services.
4 Henry Street 4 henry Street, Galway, galwayDescription:
Alterations to front facade and change of use of ground floor unit from butchers to restaurant
22 Lakeshore Drive, Renmore 22 Lakeshore Drive, Renmore , galwayDescription:
To Provide a pitched roof in lieu of an existing flat roof over a single storey extension and for minor alterations to the front façade of the dwelling house at 22 Lakeshore Drive, Renmore