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Storage Shed at Covidien Plant, Mervue, Galway Michael Collins Road, Mervue,, Galway, galwayDescription:
The erection of storage shed along eastern elevation of existing plant together with connections to services and all other associated site works.
Galway Clinic-Alterations to MRI Martin Roundabout, Galway, galway
"Optout" Mary McElligott 33 Nuns Island, Galway, galwayDescription:
"Optout"Remove old extension and construct new 2 storey extension to the rear of the existing house
Ward Fit Out at ground floor level, UHG Newcastle Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Strip out and re-plan Block 2C ground floor accommodation to provide medical assessment and short stay ward accommodation, with consequent relocation of Physiotherapy and associated accommodation adjustments.
Application No.: -
Shantalla Health Centre Dental Extension Costello Road, Shantalla, galwayDescription:
A new extension to Shantalla Health Centre which will be a modular building of approx 100sq m to incorporate two new dental surgeries, an x-ray room, clean and dirty decontamination rooms and link to existing Health Centre with all associated mechanical and electrical services installations.
SG D'Alton Drive, Salthill, galwayDescription:
3435 Extension and Alterations at No.14 Nun's Island, Galway No. 14 Nuns Island, Galway, galwayDescription:
Demolition of existing 2 storey extension and construction of new single storey extension and alterations and remedial works including all necessary site works and services to No. 14 Nuns Island, Galway
Extension to 8 Glenard 8 Glenard Avenue, Salthill, Galway, galwayDescription:
Extension to existing residential development.
Single storey extension to house 33 Parnell avenue , Mervue , galwayDescription:
Single storey expansion to side and rear of house
Acute Adult Mental Health Unit at Universtity Hospital Galway, Newcastle Road, Galway Newcastle Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a two storey 50 bed Acute Adult Mental Health Unit to accommodate the relocated Adult Acute Mental Health service on the site with a gross floor area of approximately 4741.3 sqm, including a rooftop Plant Room to the western end of the plan, together with associated siteworks, to be located on an existing car park.