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8 Glenard Crescent Salthill 8 Glenard Crescent, Salthill Galway, galwayDescription:
Renovation of existing dwelling and side first floor extension
Demolition of garage and construction of single storey extension 31 Rahoon Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Demolition of garage and construction of single storey extension to rear of house, minor elevational changes, associated site works and new vehicle entrance off side road.
Extension 68 Moyola Park 68 Moyola Park, Galway, galwayDescription:
a)Construction of new half storey and roof over existing single storey element and changes to front elevation, b) raising of boundary walls and c)widening of gate
7 Apartments Shantalla Rd Shantalla Rd, Galway, galwayDescription:
7 No. residential units 3 No. 2 bed apartments and 4 No. 1 bed apartments.
House extension 39 Carraig Ban 39 Carraig Ban, Menlo, Galway, galwayDescription:
The development consists of the construction of a new single storey extension with alterations to existing window openings and associated site works.
New metal louvred screen to southern elevation at Permanent TSB, Headford Road, Galway Headford Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Removal and enlargement of existing window opening on southern elevation and replacement with metal louvred screen to accommodate plant and equipment at Permanent TSB, Galway Shopping Centre, Headford Road, Galway.
Al Fesco area to rear of An Pucan, Foster Street, Galway, galwayDescription:
build Al Fesco dining area to rear of An Pucan Bar,11 Foster street Galway.
Site development works at Galway Hospice Foundation, Dublin Road, Renmore, Galway Dublin Road, Renmore,, Galway, galwayDescription:
Site development works including the blocking up of the existing Hospice access from Renmore Avenue via the Church Grounds, the forming of a new pedestrian entrance from the right of way adjoining the western boundary, the forming of a new access road junction from the Dublin Road and ancillary on site development works.
Change of use to Cafe at 11 Eyre Square, galway 11 Eyre Square, Galway, galwayDescription:
Change of use to Café including shop fit out and all associated works at 11 Eyre Square, Galway.