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Tipsy Taverns Pub No. 18 & 19, Woodquay, Galway, galwayDescription:
Alterations to front elevations and internal alterations to include installaton of kitchen for hot food preperation, including all associated services.
extension to dwelling 50 Ballyloughane Road,, Galway, galwayDescription:
(a) To erect a single storey extension to side of dwelling. (b) To erect a single storey self contained unit to side and rear of dwelling and all associated works.
F163/01 Fleming Carrigban, Menlo, galwayDescription:
Fitout of Unit 121 Eyre Square Shopping Centre as a Coffee Shop Eyre Square Shopping Centre, Galway, galwayDescription:
Fit out of a mall unit (Unit 121 Eyre Square Shopping Centre)as a coffee shop to be operated by Costa Coffee. The works will include a new coffee counter, new flooring,new joinery items,access ramp refitted wash-up area, new electrical wiring and new seating.
Application No.: -
Domestic Extension 53 Rockbarton Park 53 Rockbarton Park, Salthill, galwayDescription:
The development consists of the demolition of existing flat roofed extension, the construction of a new single storey extension to the front and rear of the existing dwelling, plus the construction of a new shed to the rear with associated site works.
Daffodil Centre University Hospital Galway Newcastle Road, Galway, galway
3515 Walsh House Extension, 16 New Avenue 16 New Avenue, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a 2 storey extension to the rear of an existing 2 storey semi-detached dwelling at 16 New Avenue, Galway
75 Bed Interim Ward at University Hospital Galway Newcastle Road , Galway, galwayDescription:
75 Bed three storey ward block plus one level of plant on the grounds of University Hospital Galway located between Block 2a and the Maternity Wing. The proposal also includes the demolition of a single storey ward block and temporary buildings
Unit 16 Glenrock Business Park, Ballybane Unit 16 Glenrock Business Park, Ballybane, galwayDescription:
Change of use of 1st floor level for use as offices and partial change of use of ground floor level.
Orla Dempsey - 2No. Semi-Detached Dwelling Houses @ Devon Park Devon Park, Salthill Lower, galwayDescription:
Construction of 2No. Semi-Detached Dwelling Houses with on site parking and all associated services at Devon Park, Salthill Lower, Galway.