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Extension To No. 303. Corrib Park No. 303. Corrib Park, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction Of A First Floor Extension Over An Existing Ground Floor Extension
extension and renovation of existing dwelling in Galway 2 Beechmount Road, Highfield Park, Gawlay, galwayDescription:
extension to the back, internal and elevational changes, including the demolition of an existing extension and associated site works at 2 Beechmount Road, Highfield Park, Galway
Grainne Coyne - dormer window 8 Castlelawns Heights, Galway, galwayDescription:
Large dormer window to the east elevation of an existng dwelling
Extension - 33 Dun na Mara for David McCarroll No. 33 Dun na Mara, Renmore, galwayDescription:
1. Demolish existing Garage/Utility/WC, 2. construct extensions to front, side and rear of existing dwelling house, 3. Alterations and modifications to elevations and interior and 4. all associated site works & services to include the provision of 2 No. car spaces to front.
House at Curragrean, Coastroad Curragrean, Coast Road,, Oranmore,, galwayDescription:
Construction of new dwelling house, garage/storage shed, sewage treatment and all associated site works.
Residential Extension at 27 Cruachan Park for Paul Muldoon 27 Cruachan Park, , Rahoon, Galway, galwayDescription:
Residential Extension of dwelling at 27 Cruachan Park, Rahoon Galway for Paul & Noreen Muldoon
Bunk Hostel, Kiltartan House Forster Street, Galway, galwayDescription:
Material alterations and change of use to an existing building. Change of use from existing office to hostel at first floor level.
Refurbishment of existing licensed premises at Prospect Hill 9 - 11 Prospect Hill, Galway City, galwayDescription:
Proposed alterations to the ground and first floor of the existing bar and restaurant premises to provide a new kitchen on first floor and alter the bar area on ground floor.
Proposed Office Development at Ingersoll Rand International Ltd, Monivea Road, Mervue, Galway Monivea Road, Mervue, Galway, galwayDescription:
Change of use of existing stores to new office facilities over two levels including alterations to existing façade, new link block and associated works.
3 Apartments Tí Choinn, Gleann Na Rí Gleann Na Rí, Murrough, Renmore, Galway, galwayDescription:
Permission for development at Block 14 (Ti Choinn) namely the change of use of 2 No. vacant retail units (previously a restaurant and a shop) to 3 no. 2 bed ground floor apartments. This application to include alterations to North-East and North-West elevations as well as all ancillary site works