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Construction of Single Storey Dwelling and Demolition of 1No shed At ! Clifton Crescent, Newcastle, Galway City 1 Clifton Crescent, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of Single Storey Dwelling and Demolition of 1No shed At ! Clifton Crescent, Newcastle, Galway City
TG - School Rd Castlegar School Road, Castlegar, galwayDescription:
Permission for the construction of new dwelling along with Carport, connection to main foul sewer, also extension of existing road access as per planning granted (ref no 15/366) and all associated site works (252m2)
Construction of new dwelling house with connection to public services for Padraic Hickey 11 Arbutus Avenue, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a new dwelling house on an infill site, with new connectons to public services.
M.M_House_Bushypark Ballagh, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construct a dwellinghouse, treatment plant and associated services at Ballagh, Bushypark, Galway
MC - Palmyra Ave Palmyra Avenue, Galway, galway, H91FFP8Description:
Permission for the development which consists of the construction of new 1st floor extension above existing garage shed to convert into a new apartment, along with modifications to existing elevations & connections to existing site services
Extension of the SCCUL Enterprise Centre Castlepark Road, Galway, galway, H91 RH32Description:
The development will consist of the construction of a new extension with office accommodation, toilets and kitchenette at first and mezzanine floor levels to the rear courtyard of the existing building. Gross floor area of the proposed extension = 432.07 m². The works will include all associated site works and ancillary services at the SCCUL Enterprise Centre, Castlepark Road, Ballybane, Galway.
Refit of existing Next Store, Galway Galway West Business Park, Galway, galway, H91 A00V
Corrib Sluice House Earls Island, Galway, galwayDescription:
Demolition of 2 no. existing structures (a canteen building and barrage pump house inc. office, locker room and WC) which are to be replaced with 1 new pump house including welfare facilities, stores and office inc. associated site works
Block A1 at Letteragh North Letteragh Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a residential Block, A1 forming part of a larger overall development at Letteragh Road, Rahoon, Galway.
No. 1 Eyre Square & No. 2 Prospect Hill, Galway No. 1 Eyre Square & No. 2 Prospect Hill, Galway, galway, H91 ED70Description:
The development will consist of 1. Replace existing shop front with new shop front including associated signage to front façade and gable end of No.1 Eyre Square, 2. Relocation of entrance door on front façade of No. 1 Eyre Square, 3 Retain existing shop front with new associated signage to No. 2 Prospect Hill, 4. Alteration to existing entrance door from No.2 Prospect Hill, 5. The removal of existing stone cladding and replaced with a painted nap render finish to front façade and gable end of No. 1 Eyre Square, 6. Replace existing windows and doors with new timber windows and doors to ground floor, first floor, second floor & third floor levels of No. 1 Eyre Square and to ground floor, first floor & second floor levels of No. 2 Prospect Hill, 7. And all associated site works