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Residential Development of 73 no houses at Ballymoneen Rd,Salthill,Galway Ballymoneen Rd, Salthill, Galway, galwayDescription:
Permission for development which will consist of 73 No. dwelling units comprising; 32 No. new semi-detached 4 bedroom two storey dwellings, (14 No. type 1 houses of 121.36 sqm., 16 No. type 2 house of 123.38 sqm., 2 No. type 02A houses of 125.27 sqm. and 9 No. new detached 4 bedroom two storey dwellings, (9 No. type 5 houses of 127.35 sqm.) 24 No. new semi-detached 3 bedroom two storey dwellings, (21 No. type 03 house of 109.57 sqm., and 3 No. type 03A house of 113.56sqm.) 8 No. new semi-detached 2 bedroom two storey dwelling, (8 No. type 02 house of 92.57 sqm.). The proposed development also consists of provision of a new access road, provision of a new ESB substation, provision of shared open space totalling 5153.20 sqm., 2 No. private car spaces located in the front driveway of each house totalling 146 No. car spaces with 25 on-street visitor car spaces, public lighting, all associated site works and associated drainage works. The total development area is 8,452.11sqm.
NO 16 LURGAN PARK, RENMORE No 16 Lurgan Park, Renmore, galwayDescription:
Extension to dwelling at 16 Lurgan Park for C.A Leahy
Renovation & extension of existing dwelling at 3 Hawthorn Drive, Renmore, Galway. 3 Hawthorn Drive, Renmore, galwayDescription:
Renovation & extension of existing dwelling to include conversion of existing garage to living accommodation, conversion of attic with new first floor window and widening of driveway entrance, with all associated site works at 3 Hawthorn Drive, Renmore, Galway for Ellen & Denis Looby.
High Dependency Unit BSH Galway Dublin Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Material alterations at 2nd floor level of the existing bedroom block comprising the refurbishment in part of the existing accommodation to accommodate a High Dependency Unit and ancillary works. The proposed area of works will be 255sqm.
Cnoc Mhuire Convent Ballyloughaun Road, Rennmore, galwayDescription:
Demolition of existing single storey Convent and construction of new two storey Convent containing 6 one bedroom apartments and 2 visitors bedrooms.
Nox Hotel Headford Rd,Galway Headford Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Material alterations and small extension to the ground floor of the existing Hotel
change of use to medical Unit 5 commerce house, flood street, Galway, galwayDescription:
change of office to medical use no alteration's to existing building
P & O Maritime Storage Shed Galway Harbour Enterprise Park, Renmore, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a storage shed including all associated services.
Training Rooms at GRETB Mervue Mervue Business Park, Galway, galway
2 Presentation Road extension 2 Presentation Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
2 story extension at the rear of the dwelling house