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Applegreen Tuam Road Tuam Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Demolition of existing building and site clearance
P.J.WADE 9 DALTON PLACE, GALWAY, galwayDescription:
Alterations to BOI Main Guard Street, Galway Main Guard Street, Galway, galwayDescription:
Alterations to the existing elevations to Mainguard Street and Church Yard Street to include the replacement of the existing ground floor windows and doors, relocation of new main entrance, relocation of existing ATM and installation of new ATM, provision of new natural stone clad shop-front to Mainguard Street, provision of new perforated roller shutters to Mainguard Street, removal of the existing signage and replacement with new signage comprising of a) new white back-lit pin-mounted ‘Bank of Ireland’ sign and logo on a blue fascia to the front elevation. b) Replacement of existing ATM surround panels with new surround panels on obscure glass. c) Provision of new digital screens and frosted vinyl decals to window and single door to front elevation. d) Blue back-lit pin-mounted ‘Bank of Ireland’ sign and logo to the rear elevation on Church Yard Street and all ancillary site works including regrading of the existing footpath to eliminate 80mm step at proposed relocated entrance on Mainguard Street. The building is a protected structure and is within an Architectural Conservation Area
Installation of new Signage Dublin Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
The installation of new main entrance signage Bon Secours Hospital, Galway. Including 3 No. ground mounted illuminated recessed light fittings.
Extension To Dwelling At No. 220. Corrib Park, Galway No. 220. Corrib Park, Galway, galwayDescription:
The provision of a single storey extension to the side elevation of the dwelling.
Extension to Ardross, Murrough, Merlin Park, Galway Ardross, Murrough, Merlin Park, Galway, galwayDescription:
1) The erection of a single-storey front extension to an existing dwelling house 2) Internal and external alterations to an existing house 3) The demolition of an existing single-storey garage 4) The erection of a single-storey shed
construct a serviced dwelling house at 15 manor avenue, kingston, galway. 15 manor avenue, kingston, galway, galwayDescription:
construct a serviced dwelling house, boundary walls and all associated site works
Prefab Classroom to Gaelscoil MhicAmhlaigh Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh, An Cimin Mor, Cappagh Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Provision of a single prefabricated general classroom to the north west corner of existing school site on a pre-prepared base
Extension to existing dwelling house Roscam, Oranmore, galwayDescription:
Extension to existing dwelling house including alterations to site works/services.
Extension to 24 Fr Burke Road, The Claddagh 24 Fr Burke Road, The Claddagh, galwayDescription:
Single storey front and side extension to an existing dwelling house at 24 Fr Burke Road, The Claddagh, Galway