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59 Fr. Burke Road, Claddagh, Galway. 59 Fr. Burke Road, Claddagh, Galway.Description:
Permission for demolition of existing single storey rear extension, and construction of two storey rear extension to existing dwelling house, internal alterations including attic conversion to storage area and all associated site works and services.
Colaiste na Coiribe, Post Primary School, Knocknacarra Ballyburke, Ballymoneen Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, galwayDescription:
The development will consist of the construction of a new 720-pupil Post-Primary School (approx.. 7400sqm) comprising 3 and 2 part storey teaching blocks, a Sports Hall, external play areas, 5no.hard surfaced ball-courts, 68 no. parking spaces, provision for bicycle racks and vehicular set-down facilities within the school grounds, together with a new grassed playing pitch located to the West of the new school and all associated landscaping / site works including attenuation tanks & signage. The school site will be accessed by a new roadway and junction located off Ballymoneen Road with provision of cycle tracks, footpaths, street lighting and associated landscaping along the length of the roadway – a sign for the school will be located at the Ballymoneen road junction. A new pedestrian-only link is also to be formed with the adjoining Fana Burca residential estate to the south of the site.
Dwelling Extension 34 Moyola Park 34 Moyola Park, Newcastle, Galway, galwayDescription:
Permission to demolish existing single storey domestic garage located at the side of the existing dwelling house and construct a two storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling house along with all associated services.
1st floor extension to existing sports pavilion/ administration facility at The Sportsground, Galway College Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Infill of existing flat roof area at 1st floor level.
No. 6 Canal Court, Canal Road Upper, Galway No. 6 Canal Court, Canal Road Upper,, Galway.Description:
Permission for development to consist of: demolitions, alterations and extension to existing single storey semi-detached dwelling house
50 Maunsells Park, Galway 50 Maunsells Park, GalwayDescription:
Permission for a variation to Planning Ref. Reference 13/188. It is proposed to retain the existing first floor extension with an enlarged first floor rear window and block up one of the existing first floor side windows (bedroom) at 50 Maunsells Park, Galway.
Application No.: -
Extension to existing Aldi Retail Unit, WestCity Centre, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway UNit 1 & 2 westcity Centre Retail Park, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
the amalgamation of the existing Aldi Discount Foodstore (Unit 2- GFA 1,253sqm) and the adjoining retail unit (Unit 1 - 414sqm) to create a larger foodstore with associated internal alterations and new loading bay ramp externally at the existing West City Centre Retail Park, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway.
Knocknacarra NS extension Western Distributor Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, galwayDescription:
Alterations to existing school to include conversion of existing staff room to 2no learning support classrooms and construction of extension to existing school to provide new teachers Staff Room & 3No learning support classrooms together with all associated services at St John the Apostle, Knocknacarra National School.
4 Renmore Road 4 Renmore Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
change of use from residential to commercial (medical consultation)
50 Glenard Crescent 50 Glenard Crescent, Salthill, Galway, galwayDescription:
The development consists of the construction of a new 2 storey and single storey extension to the rear with alterations to existing rear window openings plus new cladding to existing front porch with new garden shed and associates site works.