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Clai Mor Ballybane - Block A Monivea Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
This project involves the demolition of 4 no. dwellings with associated outbuildings and construction of 102 no. residential units. This Phase 3 of the works involves the construction of apartment Block A consisting of 33 no. apartments and associated site works. The overall development consist of (13 no. houses, 34 no. duplex units and 55no. apartments), childcare facilities and associated site works.
Extension & Alterations to 56 Cruachan Park 56 Cruachan Park, Galway, galway, H91 H9FKDescription:
a) Construction of 2nd floor extension over existing single story side extension and all revisions to elevations b) Construction of new front entrance porch c) Construction of new window on LHS gable at ground floor d) Demolition of existing rear garden shed and construction of new shed/ games room e) all ancillary site works and site services at 56 Cruachan Park, Galway
Specsavers Knocknacarra Gate Way Retail Park, Knocknacarra, , Galway, Galway, H91 3H72Description:
Proposed fit out of existing shell unit, incorporating new internal partitions, plumbing, fire stopping, insulation, installation of HVAC system, Electrical works and installation of shop front signage.
11 Ard Na Coille - Rear Extension Galway, galway, H91 D5KH
Replacement Dwelling House 13 Frenchville, Grattan Road, Galway, galway, H91 XTW2Description:
Demolition of Existing Dwelling House & Construction of a New 2-Storey Dwelling House
Extension to Croi House Moyola Lane, , Galway, Galway, H91 FF68Description:
Single storey building to the rear of Croi House with open link walkway and all associated site development works.
Block B, Bonham Quay, Galway Block B, Bonham Quay, Dock Road, Galway, galway, H91 AK1VDescription:
Fit-Out of Ground Floor Retail Unit, Block B, Bonham Quay, Galway. (Floor Area 217.21sqm)
Unit 9 Liosban Buisness Park - APEM 6c Tuam Road, , Galway, Galway, H91 FP57
5 Ely Place Extension 5 Ely Place, Sea Road, Galway, galway, H91 TK6YDescription:
(A) A single storey rear extension to the existing house. (B) All associated external elevation changes to the existing house. (C) All associated building works and site works.
Ceannt Station - IR Project Station Road, Galway, galway, H91 T9CEDescription:
The construction of a new 95 square metres single storey fully accessible glazed entrance building to the Fish Gate Entrance, internal alterations and removal of walls within the Train Station building to provide additional ticket purchase facilities, enlarged concourse areas, new toilet facilities and new ticket inspector accommodation. New level access will facilitate the reinstatement of the original step arrangement to the station building. To the south of the building proposal consists of the refurbishment of the existing stores and maintenance area to provide 2336 square metres of extended train concourse and platform, new curved glazed roof single span structure to replace existing roof, new openings within the existing South Western facade of the building to create new glazed entrances. Construction of new sloped approach route and entrance plaza. The construction of new glazed retail pods, waiting area and new toilet block within the station.