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Liberty IT (Galway) Block C, Bonham Quay, The Docks, Galway,, , Galway, Galway, H91 AK1VDescription:
Tenant Office Fitout of 1st floors of an exiting office building. Please note: no Planning Permission, Fire Safety nor Disability Access Certificates are required for the tenant portion of the fitout works. No alterations to approved PP, FSC and DAC.
Application No.: -
Ph 02 Rosshill Manor Apartments Rosshill Road, , Galway, Galway,Description:
Ph 02 Rosshill Manor Apartments and associated infrastructure and siteworks.
Coolough Student Accommodation - Block B Coolough Road, , Galway, Galway,Description:
The development will consist of Student Housing Development comprising of 257 no. bedrooms, along with ancillary student facilities to include student amenity space, student gym, laundry, reception/security area, refuse areas, ESB Substation and Gas Skid split between 2 no. blocks (Block A and Block B) within the site curtilage. The height of Block A extends to 3 storeys with Block B ranging from 1 to 4 storeys, along with an additional plantroom level and outdoor plant compound. The development will also provide for car, motorbike and bicycle parking spaces, and a coach drop off with bus shelter and all associated site development works, including landscaped areas, boundary treatments, drainage works, lighting, site services and infrastructure provision to facilitate the development.
Coolough Student Accommodation - Block A Coolough Road, , Galway, Galway,Description:
The development will consist of Student Housing Development comprising of 257 no. bedrooms, along with ancillary student facilities to include student amenity space, student gym, laundry, reception/security area, refuse areas, ESB Substation and Gas Skid split between 2 no. blocks (Block A and Block B) within the site curtilage. The height of Block A extends to 3 storeys with Block B ranging from 1 to 4 storeys, along with an additional plantroom level and outdoor plant compound. The development will also provide for car, motorbike and bicycle parking spaces, and a coach drop off with bus shelter and all associated site development works, including landscaped areas, boundary treatments, drainage works, lighting, site services and infrastructure provision to facilitate the development.
Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra, H91 FWX8 Clybaun Road, , Galway, Galway, H91 FWX8Description:
The Enabling Works will include construction of the new site entrance including erection of site hoarding, demolition of the existing dwelling, tree felling, utility diversion and associated site works. The subsequent proposed development will consist of 31 no. apartments in a mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms including 14% age friendly / universally designed, 30 no. terraced houses in a mix of 2 and 3 bedrooms and a series of site specific public open space areas including Residential Amenity Greenway.
VHI Primary & Urgent Care Centre at An Tornog, Galway Unit 6,7,10,11 An Tornog, , Galway, Galway, .Description:
1. Part retention of change of use (approx. 21sqm GFA) and part change of use (approx. 263.6sqm GFA) of Unit 10/11 (total GFA approx. 284.6sqm) from permitted VHI HomeCare Centre (for provision of 'Hospital in the Home' medical and associated services) to use as healthcare facility (to provide enhanced Primary and Urgent Healthcare services including the provision of clinical treatment rooms, x-ray facility, reception and ancillary support spaces); 2.Change of use of Unit 6 (approx. 78sqm GFA) from permitted retail to use ancillary to the healthcare use ofUnits 10/11 (for provision of non-patient facing activities and staff welfare facilities); 3.Internal reconfiguration of Units 6 & 10/11 to facilitate healthcare use, provision of new universallyaccessible entrance door and external canopy and shelter at existing entrance to Unit 10/11 and provision of anew fire escape door to the rear of Unit 10/11; 4.Replacement of 4 no. existing car parking spaces with 2 no. accessible car parking spaces, provision of auniversally accessible pedestrian access ramp from existing car park to existing commercial units, provision ofa bicycle parking shelter and provision of an ambulance set down area and associated extension of existingfootpath; 5.Provision of signage including 1 no. internally lit triangular wayfinding sign to the south of Unit 10/11 and 2no. nameplate signs at entrance to Unit 10/11; and 6.All associated and ancillary landscape, site and development works, including additional plant, bin storageand back-up generator and associated loss of 1 no. parking space at undercroft car park level, necessary tofacilitate the change of use. at Units 6 & 10/11 Tornóg Headford Road Galway.
MPUH Block A Roof Works Merlin Park Lane, , Galway, Galway, H91 ER2DDescription:
Re-Roofing and Renovation Works at Block A, Merlin Park Hospital, Galway
Application No.: -
C.McH_Renmore 10 Renmore Crescent, , Galway, Galway, H91 TP49Description:
Permission for development which consists of the demolition of existing substandard single storey extension and porch area, also to include construction of new extension to side elevation, new porch to the front elevation and minor changes to existing dwelling along with all associated site works and connections to existing site services
CM - New Dwelling House at 34 Devon Park 34 Devon Park, , Salthill, Galway,Description:
Construction of a new dwelling house along with all ancillary works
2355 House at Renmore road, Galway city 60 Renmore Road, , Galway, Galway,Description: