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UHG - Brick Chimney Demolition Project Newcastle Road, Galway, galway, H91 YR71Description:
The development will consist of the demolition of a red brick chimney (circa 24m tall with an area of 10.2m² and base dimensions of 3.2m x 3.2m) which is in a state of disrepair. The works will also further consist of the erection of replacement boiler flues, and supporting steelwork, terminating circa 3m above the roof of an adjacent Boiler House and associated works.
The House Hotel, Galway- Ground Floor Material Alterations Spanish Parade, Galway, galway, H91 X309Description:
Material Alterations: The House Hotel is an existing hotel where material alterations are taking place on the ground floor creating new bedrooms
NEW LOOK RETAILERS LTD, UNIT 9,10,11 EDWARD SQUARE, GALWAY Barrack Lane, Galway, galway, H91 RKT0Description:
Internal refurbishment of an existing retail unit. Works including decoration, retail merchandising fixtures, minor partition alternations, electrical and mechanical alterations.
Application No.: -
OPT OUT EXTENSION & RE-FURBISHMENT 28 Árd Na Mara, Salthill, galway, H91 PF5FDescription:
22-114 Renovation and extension of existing dwelling at 73 Devon Park, Salthill, Galway 73 Devon Park, Galway, galway, H91 D9FHDescription:
Permission for development which will consist of 1) Demolition of a single storey side extension 2) Construction of two storey side extension and new front door canopy 3) Construction of a single storey rear extension 4) Provision of two new front roof light windows 6) Conversion of an attic space to habitable space and construction of rear dormer and windows 7) Minor alterations to existing elevations to include provision of external insulation 8) Widening of an existing vehicle entrance 9) Connection to existing services and all associated site development works
AC & OC Extension 114 Ocean Wave, Salthill, galway, H91 DN7XDescription:
construction of extension to the rear and refurbishment of existing house
Extension to 16 Lower Canal Road Canal Road Lower, Galway, galway, H91 TP3CDescription:
Extension to No. 16, Lower Canal Road, Galway1
Millars Hall - Ark Vets enabling works Phase 1 Western Distributor Road, Galway, galway, H91 TD0FDescription:
Internal enabling works for a veterinary clinic for the treatment of small animals.
Millar's Hall - Pet Food Depot 26 Western Distributor Road, Galway, galway, H91 TD0FDescription:
An internal fit-out and new lobby entrance for a pet food depot.
Thermo King Trane Technologies Roof top solar Panels Monivea Road , Galway, galway, H91 K020Description:
The installation of a roof mounted solar PV panel system consisting of 3057 no. 450 watt solar PV panels, string inverters and associated grid interface equipment. Intergated panels to be mounted on south facing sloped roofs and stand alone panels to be mounted on other roofs with mounting kits. To cover a roof area of approx. 20101m2 at Thermo King Monivea Road, Mervue, Galway