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Construction of single storey extension to side of dwelling house and modify dormer windows at rear of house at Ballymoneen Roa 4 Ballymoneen Road, Galway, galway, H91 K2RWDescription:
Construction of single storey extension to side of dwelling house, and modify dormer windows at rear of dwelling at Ballymoneen Road.
Demolition of existing dwelling house and construction of new two-storey house 6 Threadneedle Road, Salthill, galwayDescription:
Demolition of existing dwelling house and construction of new two-storey dwelling house at Threadneedle Road, Salthill
Duplex Block, No.s 43-54 Maolchnoc, Ballymoneen Road. Ballymoneen Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a duplex block and all associated site works, No.s 43-54 Maolchnoc, Ballymoneen Road, Ballyburke, Galway.
Golf Course Toilets 147 Pollnarooma West, Salthill, galwayDescription:
Construct new on-course toilet facilities at Galway Golf Club Salthill Galway
Hostel Fit-out 21 Forster Street, Galway, galway, H91 C9Y3Description:
Fit-out of existing shell and core building on the basement, First , Second & Third floor levels to be used as a Hostel approved under planning Ref: 05/87, 06/488 & 07/272
Application No.: -
2 storey office building at existing site at existing ATU Creative Arts & Media campus Wellpark Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Proposed 2 storey office building to a greenfield portion of existing site at existing ATU Creative Arts & Media campus, Cluain Mhuire, Wellpark Road, Galway for Creative Enterprise West Comhoibriu Clg (Crew)
Apartment Block at San Antonio Terrace, Salthill San Antonio Terrace, , Salthill, Galway,Description:
Construction of a Apartment Block of 8 residential units consisting of 4 no. ground floor apartments, 3 duplex apartments and 1 no. 1st floor apartment at San Antonio Terrace, Salthill, Galway
2508 Evergreen Liosban Galway, galway, H91 DFK5Description:
Material alteraion and refurbishment of existing indurtrial unit including amalgamation of 3 units.
extension 14 Lakeview Road, Galway, galway, H91 EFD8Description:
to construct a two storey extension to the side of existing dwelling house, and to convert garage to study room
Extension to Dwelling House No 53 O'Connaire Road, Shantalla No 53 O'Connaire Road, Shantalla, Galway, galway, H91 WN7XDescription:
To construct single storey extensions to the front (bay window), side and rear fo the existing semi detached dwelling house