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No.1 Béal Taoide Coast Road, Roscam, galwayDescription:
Commencement Notice for Houses No.1 Béal Taoide which is located with the Greater Housing Development consisting of the construction of 14No. dwelling houses on existing serviced sites at Béal Taoide, Coast Road, Galway. This Commencement Notice applies to the construction of 1No. unit within the development, as shown in the drawings submitted along with this Commencement Notice submission.
Creche Letteragh Road Fánán, Letteragh Road, Galway, galway, H91 YCW1Description:
Internal fit out to creche at Block D
Bothair Stiofan Residential 2 houses (20A, 20B) 22 Riasc Na Rí, , Galway, Galway,Description:
Residential development for 2 houses in one block
Bothair Stiofan Residential 4 houses (18A, 18B, 19A, 19B) 1 Riasc Na Rí, , Galway, Galway,Description:
Residential development for 4 houses consisting of 2 blocks .
Connolly Motor Group - Briarhill 2 Unit 64-66, Site No. 7, Briarhill Business Park,, , Galway, Galway, H91 H029Description:
(1.) Material Alterations and Part Change of Use to previously granted Car Showroom with associated customer area and ancillary offices (as granted under previous FSC application FSC2103594GY/7DN) to provide for a new separate Car Showroom area with associated customer area and ancillary offices and new Workshop facility (2.) Change of Use and Material Alterations to entire First Floor level from Warehouse Storage Use/ ancillary office use (as granted under previous FSC application FS 135/05) to new Car Showroom/ Car Display area
Application No.: -
opt out dwelling refurbishment and extension Curragreen, Galway, galway, H91 PW0FDescription:
opt out dwelling refurbishment and extension at Curragreen, Oranmore Rd
Facade treatment 21 middle street 21 middle street, Galway, galway, H91 YP9FDescription:
Erection of a external slate finish to existing building.
Extension to 32 Seagrove, Ballyloughane Road, Renmore, Galway 32 Seagrove, Galway, galway, H91 N2HNDescription:
Construction of a single storey family room extension to the rear and first floor bedroom over existing side annex at 32 Seagrove, Ballyloughane Road, Renmore, Galway.
AIB Lynch's Castle 40 Shop Street, Galway, galway, H91 W400Description:
(a) Demolition and replacement of existing single storey storage building (23m2) with new purpose built single storey building including infill of the space between the existing building and the building to be demolished (9m2) all to match existing at rear of AIB bank, and (b) internal modifications and non-structural remodelling of the banking hall adjacent to but not including the Lynch’s Castle structure (a protected structure – Ref No. 9313) all at No. 40 Shop Street and frontage onto Abbeygate Street Upper, Galway.
New Extensions To Existing Dwelling House Menlo, Galway, galway, H91 HP9VDescription:
New Extensions To Existing Dwelling House