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1679 results

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  • Demolition and Construction of dwelling @ 9 Caislin 9 Caislin, Terryland, galway, H91 XFD6

    Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling @ 9 Caislin, Terryland

    21147 View details
  • Permission to change house design and for new build at Castlegar Village, Castlegar Castlegar Village, Castlegar Village, galway

    Permission to change house design and for new build at Castlegar Village, Castlegar

    21/435 View details
  • Mercy Primary School Provision of Lift, Disabled WC & Fire Safety Upgrade Works St Francis Street, Galway, galway, H91 RX32

    Construction of a new lift shaft, conversion of a store room to a disabled WC and fire safety upgrade works.

    18/306 View details
  • Specsavers Headford Road Galway Galway, galway, H91 H761

    Existing retail unit. Specsavers intends to make material alterations to fit out and internal development works to the existing Specsavers retail unit and refurbishment of an adjoining unit to provide ground floor retail area, consultation rooms, test rooms, office space, lab and staffroom.

    22/35 View details
  • Construction of an extension to side of existing dwelling house at Renmore, Galway 119 Lurgan Park, Galway, galway, H91 YNX3

    Construction of an extension to side of existing dwelling house and all ancillary site works at 119 Lurgan Park, Renmore

    20/205 View details
  • 1 Shop Street, Galway 1 Shop Street , Galway, galway, H91 V0R2

    (1) the removal of the existing retail fit out and the installation of a new retail fit out to the ground floor retail area only, (2) the replacement of the existing shopfront fascias and signage with new armourcoat fascia details and internally illuminated fascia signage to the Shop Street and Abbeygate Street Lower elevations and (3) all associated site works.

    22/22 View details
  • Dwelling House, 5 Lakeview Hill Lakeview Hill, Galway, galway

    Construction of detached dwelling house and all associated site works at site 5 Lakeview Hill, Galway

    P21/70 View details
  • Extension and Renovation Elm Park 39 Elm Park, Renmore, Galway, galway, H91 XFF2

    Demolish existing porch and single storey extension, Construct two storey extension , front porch and rear single storey extension. Raise and construct new side boundary wall and all associated site development works.

    21/246 View details
  • Penneys Eyre Square SC Extension Eyre Square Shopping Centre, Galway, galway, H91 XN79

    Material alterations to merge two existing shop units

    21/331 View details
  • Galway Technology Centre - Academy West Extension Wellpark Road, Galway, galway, H91 D932

    The Construction for a four-storey extension of 1,346m2 to the northwest of the existing offices. The proposed development consists of additional office accommodation, meeting rooms, ancillary rooms and relocation of the electrical switch room and sub-station to the northeast corner of the site. The proposed extension is connected to the existing office building at ground and first floors, with minor alterations to the internal layout of the existing. The development includes alterations to site services within the site boundary, roof plant upgrades and ancillary site works including hard landscaping.

    21/348 View details



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