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Conversion of existing shop into 2 no. two bed apartments in Lower Salthill, Galway 36 Salthill Road Lower, Galway, galway, H91 A3CEDescription:
Conversion of existing shop into 2 no. two bed apartments in Lower Salthill, Galway
20048 - BestDrive Carwash BestDrive, Headford Road,, Galway, galway, H91 K7C2Description:
The construction of a new car wash and office units, including new advertisement signage to ground floor fascia at Side Elevation (West) and Front Elevation (South), including all associated site and ancillary works at this address in accordance with the drawings as submitted
New Single Dwelling House School Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
New Single Dwelling House
Demolition of existing shed and single storey dwelling unit and construction of new two storey plus roof level family dwelling Cappagh Road, Barna Road, galwayDescription:
Demolition of existing shed and single storey dwelling unit and construction of new two storey plus roof level family dwelling house at Cappagh Road, Galway.
Fit out of New Hotel Development 78 Prospect Hill; 80 - 86 Bohermore, Galway, galway, H91T9C4Description:
Fit out of New Hotel Development in existing part-two, part-three, part-four storey building over lower ground floor in 2no. blocks (the north-western block fronting Prospect Hill/ Bohermore) and the south-eastern block (located to the rear of the site) connected at all floor levels comprising of hotel guest bedrooms; bars; storage; associated signage; administration and staff facilities; plant; waste storage area and delivery and dispatch area with total gross floor area of 5250 sq.m.’ The works also include external landscaping; drainage connections; and minor completions to the external envelope.
Phase 3 - Internal Fit Out - Units 20-24, IDA Business & Technology Park, Mervue, Galwa Units 20-24, IDA Business & Technology Park, Mervue, Galway, galway, H91 PHC1Description:
Phase 3 - Internal fit out of Units 20-24, IDA Business & Technology Park, Mervue.
Works to no.1 Kingston Road, Galway Kingston Road, Galway, Galway, galway, H91 KT3C
Dwelling House at 23 Fr Griffin Road, Galway 23 Father Griffin Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Demolition of Existing substandard house and for cosntruction of new house and all associated site works and services and also for domestic garage and home office/guest bedroom fronting on to the Whitestrand Road
187 Castlelawn Heights Galway, galway, H91 WY1RDescription:
Demolition of rear sheds. Two storey extension to side, single storey to rear, increase of 1st floor area and infilling of front porch. Changes to all elevations. Revised site boundary and entrance including 1 car parking space and bicycle parking.
DXC Technology Street Ballybrit Business Park, Castlegar Village, Galway, galway, H91 WP08Description:
Subdivision and material alteration to existing part Second floor office at DXC Technology, Ballybrit business park, Castlegar village, Co. Galway
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