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1679 results

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  • Construction of new replacement workshop Old Dublin Road, Galway, galway

    Enabling Works phase for the Construction of a new Community Nursing Unit, construction of new replacement workshop at Merlin Park University Hospital Campus, Galway

    20/33 View details
  • Lenaboy Gardens Salthill 192 Lenaboy Gardens, Galway, galway

    Construction of a new dwelling house

    19224 View details
  • Alterations & Extension to Existing House at 12 Threadneedle Road No. 12 Threadneedle Road, Galway, galway, H91 E5YF

    Demolition of existing 2-storey extension / return to the rear of house and for construction of new part 2-storey and part single-storey extension, minor elevational changes, velux rooflight, widening of existing access and all associated site works and services at no. 12 Threadneedle Road, Salthill, Galway

    20263 View details
  • Boston Scientific Galway - Building 2 Mod 3 - MIO additional loading dock Ballybrit Business Park, Galway, galway, H91 RD63

    MIO Project - additional loading dock and sectional door on the north facade of Building 2 Mod 3

    21/291 View details
  • Proposed Refurbishment Project at Coláiste Muire Máthair, Galway – Phase 2 Saint Mary's Road, Galway, galway, H91 H7F8

    This project involves localised renovation and upgrade works to Coláiste Muire Mháthair (Formerly St. Mary's College) at St. Mary's Road, Galway. The works include internal renovations within existing Main School Building for the provision of additional General Classrooms, Specialist Rooms, WC facilities, and selected localised internal demolition works. Works also include demolition of existing Part-M entrance lobby (9.3m2) and construction of a new Part-M lobby (23.1m2) extension in the same location, and a further 5.6m2 extension to provide universal access off Central Courtyard. Works also include selected Universal Access and Fire Safety upgrades, as well as selected ancillary siteworks. Proposed development will be carried out within the confines of and within the curtilage of protected structures: RPS No.9801 (referenced St. Mary's College Educational Buildings & Chapel)

    21/228 View details
  • M303/02/Extension/50 Maunsells Park 50 Maunsells Park, Galway, galway, H91 W5XP

    Construction of an extension to an existing dwellinghouse and ancillary site works.

    21/97 View details
  • oOPT OUT DWELLING EXTENSION 6 Saint Mary's Road, Galway, galway, H91 PXW7


    20299 View details
  • 21103 - Opt OutExtension at 70 Grattan Park, Salthill 70 Grattan Park, Galway, galway, H91 K46N

    Construction of a new 2 storey extension to the side and single storey extensions to the front and rear of existing dwelling house at 70 Grattan Park, Salthill, Galway.

    21/177 View details
  • 3901 Blackrock Cottage, Salthill Blackrock, Salthill, Galway, galway, None

    3901 - Alterations & Extensions to existing derelict cottage & its change of use to a café/restaurant, the construction of a single storey detached commercial building and all associated site and external works

    19/11 + ABP 304163-19 View details
  • Alteration and Extension at 18 St Helens Street, Galway 18 St Helens Street, Galway, galway, H91 PWT7

    Removal of rear extension, construction of new rear Extension, Alterations to existing dwelling including replacement of windows and doors.

    2045 View details



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