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Renovation of sheds Rosshill Road, Galway, galway, H91 E0ACDescription:
Renovation of existing sheds
Forster Court Hotel Forster Street , Galway, galway, H91 PY7EDescription:
Amalgamation of vacant 2 storey tourist office with adjoining approved hotel/associated material alterations.
11 Palymra Park 11 Palymra Park, The Crescent , Galway, galway, H91 X0XEDescription:
2 storey rear extension & internal alterations to an existing house.
Change of Use from Restaurant to Retail 224 Eyre Sq Centre 224 Eyre Sq Centre, Galway, galway, H91 V5DXDescription:
Change of Use from Burger Restaurant to general Retail at 224 Eyre Square Centre
2 No semi-d Mincloon Rahoon Linn Bhuí, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of 2 semi-detached houses and associated site works and services
No.9 & No.10 Béal Taoide 10 Roscam Park, Roscam, galwayDescription:
Commencement Notice for Houses No.9 & No.10 Béal Taoide which is located with the Greater Housing Development consisting of the construction of 14No. dwelling houses on existing serviced sites at Béal Taoide, Coast Road, Galway. This Commencement Notice applies to the construction of 1No. unit within the development, as shown in the drawings submitted along with this Commencement Notice submission.
17 St. Joseph's Avenue, Henry Street, Galway 17 St Joseph's Avenue, Henry Street, Galway, galway, H91 DHY3Description:
Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling
New Dental Suite Unit 28 Briarhill Business Park, , Galway, galway, H91C9DRDescription:
Change of use from existing retail office to dental suite
opt out dwelling extension 139 Rahylin Glebe, Ballybane, galway, H91 X0DADescription:
extension and alteration of existing dwelling
St Joseph's Patrician College "The Bish" Temporary Accommodation 20 Nun's Island, , Galway, Galway,Description:
The construction of a new modular building comprising of 2 No. 100sqm classrooms (Home Economics & Technology), a preparation room, a universal Access Classroom and Plant Room. The works will include all associated site works and ancillary works.
Application No.: