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Change of use at No 3, The Waterfront, Salthill 3 The Waterfront, Salthill, Galway, galway, naDescription:
Change of use of part of derelict Bar/Lounge/Restaurant/Holiday Apartment Reception area to restaurant & bakery
Alterations to Existing House at 20 Pollnarooma West 20 Pollnarooma West, Salthill, Galway, galway, H91 PX5PDescription:
Alterations to the existing house including the alteration of the existing windows, doors and balcony, the alteration of the existing mono-pitched roof to the South elevation, and the installation of a canopy at the entrance door, and all associated site works at 20 Pollnarooma West, Salthill, Galway.
VDG House 12 RENMORE ROAD, Galway, galway, H91 NW6PDescription:
Permission for development which consists of the construction of new extensions to the existing dwelling, to include 2 storey side extension, rear single storey extension, new front porch & new shed to rear, also including demolition of existing rear kitchen, front porch annex & garage, along with modifications to existing elevations & connections to existing site services
Material alterations to an existing restaurant at Glasan Village, Ballybane, Co. Galway Glasan Village, Ballybane, galway, H91 X6EPDescription:
Material alterations to an existing restaurant at Glasan Village, Ballybane, Co. Galway
Application No.: -
Change of Use and Remedial works Order of Malta Unit 3 Kilkerrin Business Park, Liosban Industrial Estate, Galway, galway, H91 X92CDescription:
change of use and remedial works to Unit 3 Kilkerrin Business Park, Liosban Industrial Estate, Galway
Internal Alterations to Existing Retail Unit at the Picture Framer Building, Barrack Lane, Edward Square, Galway, H91 K12R Barrack Lane, Edward Square, , Galway, Galway, H91 K12RDescription:
Internal alterations to part of existing 4 story building at Barrack lane, Edward Square, Galway, H91 K12R. Work consists of retail fit out to an existing retail unit at basement level, ground floor and first floor. Works include the strip out of the existing floors / partitions / ceilings / electrical and mechanical fittings to allow for installation of new flooring / partitions / ceilings / electrical and mechanical fittings.
Application No.: -
Connacht Tribune building extension & refurb 15 Market Street, Galway, galway, H91 TCX3Description:
Extension & refurbishment to an existing 2 storey office building
Extension @ 11 Mary Street Mary Street, Galway, galway, H91 T227Description:
Construction of 3 storey building at 3 Newtownsmith as Extension to existing 3 storey building at 11 Mary Street, with restaurant on Ground Floor and Guest House on first and second floors
18185 - Construction of escape stairs - Block 6, Briarhill Bus Park Block 6, Briarhill Business Park, Briarhill, galway, H91 E7N9Description:
Construction of new external escape stairs to rear of block 6, Briarhill Business Park, Briarhill, Galway.
Subdivision and material alteration to existing part ground and first floor office known as HPE Ballybrit Business Park, Castlegar Village, Galway, galway, H91 WP08Description:
Subdivision and material alteration to existing part ground and first floor office at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Ballybrit business park, Castlegar village, Co. Galway
Application No.: