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New Extension To Existing Garage Structure 11 Roscam Park, Roscam, galway, H91 V56RDescription:
New Extension To Existing Garage Structure
Unit 33 Galway Shopping Centre Unit 33 Galway Shopping Centre, Headford Road, Galway, galway, H91 E3P8Description:
The works will consist of the removal of the existing shopfront and the installation of a full width roller shutter and material alterations.
Application No.: -
King 57 Cloch Ard Cloch Ard, Galway, galway, H91 H7TH
Extention to 15 Mellow Park 15 Mellows Park, Galway, galway, H91 CKW0Description:
Extention to 15 Mellows Park
Residential Development at Mincloon, Clybaun Road, Galway Clybaun Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of 48 no. two storey houses (consisting of 16 no. 4 Beds and 32 no. 3 Beds) in a mix of semi-detached and terrace arrangements. To include all works to each house site and services.
Rahoon House Rahoon House, Galway, galway, NADescription:
Refurbishment, renovation, internal alterations and a two storey side extension to accommodate 4 No. 2 bedroom apartments
Unit 1-3 Merchants Road Galway Merchants Road, Galway, galway, H91 AT0VDescription:
Material alterations to cafe/bar to provide Gin school and micro-distillery
Application No.: -
Briarhill SC Unit, Galway Level 2, Briarhill Shopping Centre, , Galway, galway, H91 FEK2Description:
Strip out of an existing commercial unit at Briarhill shopping centre to be fit out as a new medical clinic with various scanning equiptment such as an MRI scanner.
Application No.: -
Emerson Avenue Extension 15 Emerson Av, Salthill, Galway, galway, H91 C1X9Description:
Demolition of existing sunroom, construction of a single storey extension to the rear, addition of roof light to the front, construction of a new shed and all associated works
opt out dwelling extension 6 Seaman Drive, Riverside, galway, H91 A5D9Description:
opt out dwelling extension,