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W105/01/11 Manor Close/Extension Galway, galway, H91 EAA0Description:
Extension to the side and rear of existing dwellinghouse.
E.F. - Extension / Alterations 2 Roselyn Gardens, Galway, galway, H91 N8WTDescription:
Construction of a new porch, enlarge existing driveway to 3.0m, demolition of existing semi-detached boiler house and all associated site works and services.
Residential development of 38 apartments salthill (Cova Da Iria) Upper Salthill, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of 39 apartments over two blocks (block A & B) served with a carpark basement. Block A to have 7 floors, block b to have 4 floors with balconies including associated landscape, open space with associated services and site works.
Caitriona McNamara 3 Saint John's Place, Galway, galway, H91 P6CADescription:
Construction of a front porch (2 sq.m.) and single storey rear extension less than (38 sq.m.)
Application No.: -
No.7 & No.8 Béal Taoide 10 Roscam Park, Roscam, galwayDescription:
Commencement Notice for Houses No.7 & No.8 Béal Taoide which are located with the Greater Housing Development consisting of the construction of 14No. dwelling houses on existing serviced sites at Béal Taoide, Coast Road, Galway. This Commencement Notice applies to the construction of 2No. unit within the development, as shown in the drawings submitted along with this Commencement Notice submission.
11Dalton Place Dalton Place , Galway, galway, H91 A02YDescription:
Alterations and extension to side of existing house
Seapoint Lift, Salthill, Galway 183 - 187 Upper Salthill, Galway, Galway, galway, H91 R7F7Description:
Remove the existing chimney breast and erect an external glass fronted lift to the southern elevation fronting onto Salthill Promenade / Quincentennial Drive at 183 - 187 Upper Salthill, Galway.
Dr Mannix Rd Extension Galway, galway, H91 YHE2Description:
Conversion of garage and changes to front elevation, construction of extension over garage, changes to side and rear elevations and all associated works
55 Dalysfort Road Dalysfort Road, Galway, galway, H91 T1KTDescription:
Construction of first floor extension over the existing garage to the side, alterations to form a new porch at the front and extension of the rear of the building, along with ancillary site works and services
Phase 2 Cardiothoracic Ward Fit-out Newcastle Road, Galway, galway, H91 YR71Description:
Fit out of the first floor of Block 2C at University Hospital Galway to provide a Cardiothoracic Ward.
Application No.: