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Lenaboy Av 10 Lenaboy Av, Galway, galway, H91 P6CHDescription:
Rear extension to an existing dwelling
Internal Fitout at Kingston Hall Kingston Road, Galway, galway, N/ADescription:
Internal fit-out to form Pilates Studio and all associated works at Unit 6b Kingston Hall
Application No.: -
Extension to 20 D'alton Drive, Salthill, Galway D'alton Drive, Galway, galway, H91 AW0HDescription:
Demolition of a porch to the front elevation, chimney to rear elevation and outhouse building and the subsequent construction of a first floor extension to side, garage conversion, single storey extension to rear, modifications to front elevation to include new single storey extension, roof canopy and bay window, 3 no. new velux rooflights to front elevation, 2 no. new rooflights to new single storey extension to the rear, external insulation to all elevations, modifications to fenestration on all existing elevations and all associated site works to existing semi detached 2 storey house.
Norton Gym Headford Road, Galway, galway, H91 T22PDescription:
Change of use of existing first floor warehouse to gymnasium
Covid-19 Crisis Notice-Change of use of an Existing Industrial/Office Building at Unit 7, Racecourse Business Park, Ballybrit Ga Unit 7, Racecourse Business Park, Ballybrit Galway, Galway, galway, H91 NP73Description:
Covid-19 Crisis Notice-Change of use of an Existing Industrial/Office Building at Unit 7, Racecourse Business Park, Ballybrit Galway, to a Covid-19 Contact Tracing Centre, with associated minor works, carried out which involve decorative maintenance and equipping.
Application No.: -
Dail Bar 42-44 Middle Street, Galway, galway, H91 R8W3Description:
Material alterations to the Dail Bar, Middle Street, Galway
Application No.: -
new extension 25 Seagrove, Galway, galway, H91 TD5EDescription:
new side two storey extension to the house, extend canopy along the front, minor design changes to the front facade, new balcony at the rear of the house
Proposed Extension To Existing Two Storey Type Dwelling House Galway, galway, H91 V26RDescription:
development which will consist of (1) Permission to remove existing chimney (2) convert existing attic space to storage (3) construct single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling house (4) Minor alternation to front elevation and (5) all associated site works and services
New Domestic Garage 40 Glenina Heights, Galway, galwayDescription:
New Domestic Garage
4 Seamount, Salthill, Galway 4 Seamount, Galway, galway, H91 P20FDescription:
The replacement of an existing two-storey five-bedroom detached dwelling with a new two-storey five-bedroom detached dwelling, the closing up of the existing vehicular entrance to the south; landscaping; site works and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.