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Dwelling house at Rockbarton road 1 Rockbarton Road, Salthill, galwayDescription:
Construction of a dwelling house
Maunsells park extension 40 Maunsells Park, Galway, galway, H91 X2FADescription:
Demolition of existing front porch and construct new single storey front porch, first floor extension with alterations to front elevation
Galway Ceannt Station Staff Accommodation Facility Ceannt Station, Galway, Galway, galway, H91T9CEDescription:
Development to the former Engine Shed(Protected Structures RPS No. 10002) The development will consist of: 1. The renovation and alterations to the former engine shed ( Protected Structure RPS No.10002) Galway City. 2. Undertaking conservation work to the structure to include the re- pointing and repair of all walls internal and external, repair to all rainwater goods, and to remove existing roof covering and install a new roof finish. 3. The installation of a new entrance door on the west elevation. 4. The installation of new windows on the south elevations. 5. The redesign of the internal layout to accommodate office space including meeting rooms, changing facilities, canteens etc and remove the current office space. 6 The provision of a fire escape lobby and internal stairwell between ground and first floor. 7. Undertaking all associated site works and provision of services
Covid-19 Crisis-Change of Use of an Existing Administration/Office Building at NUIG to a COVID- 19 Testing Centre with associate 9 Distillery Road, Galway, galway, H91 TF1PDescription:
Covid-19 Crisis-Change of Use of an Existing Administration/Office Building at NUIG to a COVID- 19 Testing Centre with associated minor works carried out which involve staff sheltering provisions, decorative, maintenance and equipping at 9 No. Distillery Road, NUIG, Galway
Application No.: -
Tornóg Phase 2 Residential Development Tornóg, Galway, galwayDescription:
Provision of Multiple Residential Buildings, including Creche, Car Parking, Playground and associated site services at Tornóg, Headford Road, Galway.
Permission for the develoment which will consist of change of orientation of house previously granted under planning ref. 20/23 Castlegar Village, Castlegar Village, galwayDescription:
permission for construction of detached dwelling house which will consist of change of orientation of house previously granted under ref. 20/23.
Covid-19 Crisis - University Hospital Galway - Temporary Emergency Department Newcastle Road, Galway, galway, H91 YR71Description:
Covid-19 Works - Temporary extension to the Emergency Department to provide additional accommodation, including segregated waiting areas, segregated treatment areas, and additional support accommodation to take account of new requirements to treat Covid-19 patients, including enabling roads and car-park reconfigurations, utilities and drainage diversions, all to the east of the Main Block of University Hospital Galway. The Temporary Emergency Department extension building will be single storey, with rooftop plant room and will be connected to the main hospital block at the existing Emergency Department entrance.
Application No.: -
Letteragh Rd Apartments Letteragh Rd, Galway, galwayDescription:
Commencement notice for 4no. apartment blocks which will form part of a larger development consisting of a total of 101 no. residential units (46 no. houses, 55 no. apartments), childcare facility and associated site works. Townlands of Letteragh and Rahoon
Medical Assessment Unit Material Alteration Renmore Road, Galway, galway, H91 KC7HDescription:
Material alteration of 126.5m2 on the ground floor level of the Bon Secours Hospital Galway in the northwest corner of the hospital at ground floor level, to accommodate a clinical area.
Application No.: -
Rear Extension 26 Claremont Park, Galway, galway, H91 H6CDDescription:
Rear Extension Building