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Creganna-Pro X + Cleanroom parkmore west, Galway, galway, H91 EY60Description:
construction of internal first floor area within Building PM3, elevational alterations, external gantruy deck and all associated site works.
New Extensions To Existing Dwelling House No. 40. Glenina Heights., Galway, galway, H91 AP9XDescription:
New Extensions To Existing Dwelling House
Detached Garage Unnamed Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of Detached Garage.
Intreo Centre entrance alterations Forster Street, Galway, galway, H91 XT91Description:
Alterations to existing entrance, including break out door at the Intreo Centre
Extension 8 Renmore Park, Galway, galway, H91 E89YDescription:
One story extension to back of property
19-027 1 Devon Mews, Salthill, galway, H91 VYX2Description:
Demolition of part of the existing building, construction and renovation works as per P18/248 and all other ancillary works and services
Extension to 17 Palmyra Park 17 Palmyra Park, Galway, galway, H91 X4HXDescription:
Internal modifications and rear two storey extension to existing terraced house
Single storey front extension to an existing dwelling 8 Dalton Drive, Salthill, galway, H91 FE4FDescription:
Small single storey extension to the front of an existing dwelling
Alterations at 4 Gleann Eorna, Cois Cuan, Dr. Colohan Road, Galway. 4 Cois Cuan, Gleann Eorna, Dr. Colohan Road., Salthill, galway, H91 K544Description:
Additional rooflight windows at front and rear of existing duplex maisonette dwelling and conversion of existing attic area to habitable accommodation.
Dunnes Stores - Knocknacarra Galway Gateway Retail Park, Galway, galway, H91 A00VDescription:
Fit out of constructed shell extension - DS Knocknacarra Galway