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Amalgamation of Unit 15 and 18, Galway Retail Park 26 Western Distributor Road, Galway, galway, H91 PHC6Description:
Change of use from retail to gym at first floor level and the amalgamation of unit no. 15 and no. 18 at first floor level in to a new first floor gym (unit 18) along with associated subdivision /separation to permitted ground floor retail unit no. 15 and all ancillary works at Galway Retail Park, Knocknacarra, Galway
Cuirt Bhoirne - Residential development at Curragrean, Roscam, Galway, County Galway permitted under reg ref 16/215 CURRAGREAN, ROSCAM, GALWAY, Roscam, galwayDescription:
Three Storey Apartment Block comprising 12 apartments numbered 20 to 31 within permitted residential development (Reg. Ref. 16/215) at Cuirt Bhoirne, Curragrean, Roscam, Galway.
Extension to 4 Dun na Mara Renmore 4 Dun na Mara, Renmore, Galway, galway, H91 VKC9Description:
Extension to 4 Dun na Mara Renmore
20102 - Guesthouse at 16 Fr. Griffin Road, Galway 16 Father Griffin Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a six-bedroom guesthouse, garden shed and all associated site works & services at 16 Fr. Griffin Road, Galway.
The Huntsman Inn, 164 College Road, Galway 164 College Road, Galway, galway, H91 D5DWDescription:
Installation of an ATM machine to the existing shop front to the North elevation.
Erection of dwelling,garage and all associated services Rosshill Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Erection of Dwelling ,garage and all associated services
Extension at Ballybane Office Dev ballybane, Galway, galwayDescription:
Change of use from enterprise centre to enterprise offices and general offices. Construction of new two storey stairwell extension (gross floor area 31 sqm) construction of all ancillary site features, including signage, car parking, boundary treatment and associated site works
ESB Galway 110kV Sub-Station Ballybane Industrial Estate, Bothar na Mine , galwayDescription:
Construction of a new building: 2 storey 110kV Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) building and associated site works at : ESB Galway 110 kV Substation, Ballybane Industrial Estate, Bothar na Mine, Galway.
Foster Park House 13 Forster Park, Salthill, galwayDescription:
Planning permission for the construction of new dwelling along with service connections and all associated site works.
Kelly Ellen Extension & Refurbishment 11 Whitestrand Park, Galway, galway, H91 W9YTDescription:
1) Construction of two no. Extensions to the existing dwellinghouse, one extension to the rear and one extension to the side, 2) Alterations to the existing dwellinghouse which includes the upgrading and alterations to the existing windows and doors and internal changes 3) Existing vehicular access is to be widened to a maximum of 3.0m and 4) provision of all associated services