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Dwelling house at The Claddagh 23 Saint Nicholas Road, , Galway, Galway, H91 KVP4Description:
New two storey, end of terrace dwelling, the subdivision of the existing site into two separate sites, the extension of the existing porch entrance, connection to existing site services and all ancillary site works
Refurbishment and extension of existing dwelling at Crescent Lodge, 32 St Marys Road, Galway H91 VP2X. Crescent Lodge, 32 St Marys Road, Galway., , Galway, Galway, H91 VP2XDescription:
Change of use of existing garage structure as part of the dwelling; construction of new link extension; repairs and alterations to existing facades and roofs; new vehicle gates; roof mounted PV panels; and all associated ancillary works.
Residential Development @ Letteragh Road, Rahoon, Galway - Duplex Letteragh Road, , Galway, Galway,Description:
Duplex Block (16 no. duplex units) within the Residential Development located to the South of the Letteragh Road (L1323), in the townlands of Rahoon and Letteragh, Co. Galway.
264 No.1 Fairhill Rd No.1 Fairhill Rd Upper, , Galway, Galway, H91 ERW5Description:
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling house
Residential Development @ Letteragh Road, Rahoon, Galway - Apartments Letteragh Road, , Galway, Galway,Description:
Apartment Block (33 no. apartments) within the Residential Development located to the South of the Letteragh Road (L1323), in the townlands of Rahoon and Letteragh, Co. Galway.
23-23 Hse Extension 3 Lenaboy Avenue, , Salthill, Galway, H91 HXA0Description:
Construction of a two storey and single storey rear extension, internal alterations, demolition of existing rear single storey extension and rear store with all ancillary site works at No.3 Lenaboy Avenue, Salthill, Galway.
No.22 Glenard Crescent No.22 Glenard Crescent, Salthill, , Galway, Galway, H91 R2RKDescription:
Permission for development which consists of the demolition of existing single storey side garage structure, construction of a new two storey side and rear extension, single storey rear extension, alterations to existing front elevations, internal alterations, and all ancillary site works.
28 Fr. Burke Road 28 Fr. Burke Road, , Galway, Galway, H91 R12EDescription:
The development consists of the demolition of existing rear extension and construction of new extensions to the front and rear of existing dwelling with alterations to existing elevations and associated site works.
Residential development, creche, retail and associated site works on lands to the east of Ballymoneen Rd, Ballyburke, Galway. ., , Galway, Galway,Description:
4 Storey Apartment Block D – comprising 25no apartment units numbered 191 to 215 Maolchnoc and including associated Bin / Bike Stores at Ballymoneen Rd, Ballyburke, Galway
Residential development, creche, retail and associated site works on lands to the east of Ballymoneen Rd, Ballyburke, Galway. ., , Galway, Galway,Description:
4 Storey Apartment Block E – comprising 25no apartment units numbered 166 to 190 Maolchnoc and including associated Bin / Bike Stores at Ballymoneen Rd, Ballyburke, Galway