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To construct a single storey extension to the rear of House 42 The Baily Circular Road, Galway, galway, H91 RDE2Description:
To (1)construct an extension to the rear of House (2) to provide off street parking (3) to install electric car charging point
Cuddy Dentist Bridge Street, Galway, galway, H91 XN35Description:
Alteration of existing elevations , new shopfront & signage and all ancillary works at 11B & 12 The Waterfront, Bridge Street Galway.
OFFICE 2, THE PLAZA, HEADFORD ROAD, GALWAY Office 2, The Plaza, Headford Road, Galway, Galway, galway, H91DF20Description:
Fit out of new office unit on 1st floor of existing building located at The Plaza, Headford Road, Galway
Application No.: -
Wellpark Fit Out Wellpark Retail Park, Galway, galway, H91 YX50Description:
Change of use of Units 5 and 6 of the Wellpark Retail Park from bulky retail use to a discount foodstore supermarket with ancillary off-licence sales
10 Carragh Close Knocknacarra Galway 10 Carragh Close , Galway, galway, H91 NV3ADescription:
Alterations to elevations and rear single storey extension
New Dwelling House at No.16A Maunsell's Road, Galway 16A Maunsells Road, site adjacent to and east of ‘St. Annes', No.16 Maunsell's Road, Galway, Galway, galwayDescription:
The development will consist of construction of a 2 storey 5 no. bedroom dwelling, with 1 no. first floor south facing balcony and all associated hard and soft landscaping including parking spaces, all accessed off existing driveway off Maunsell’s Road, Galway.
Renovation and Extension at 89 Devon Park 89 Devon Park, Salthill, galway, H91 HE9KDescription:
Renovation and Extension works at 89 Devon Park, Salthill, Galway
Paul Prendergast 37 Glenina Heights, Galway, galway, H91 FY5PDescription:
conversion of garage to habitable space, replacement of all windows with elevational revisions and roof skylights
COVID-19 crisis_ Galway University Hospital – 2no. refrigeration units. Newcastle Road, Galway, galway, H91 YR71Description:
COVID-19 crisis_Provision of 2no. refrigeration units adjacent to the Mortuary at Galway University Hospital. Commencement of works: 10th April 2020.
Application No.: -
COVID-19 crisis_ Galway University Hospital – Minor works at NPRO link corridor. Newcastle Road, Galway, galway, H91 YR71Description:
COVID-19 crisis_Minor works at new NPRO link corridor at Galway University Hospital. Commencement of works: 25th May 2020.
Application No.: