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Enterprise Tuam Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
The construction of a single storey commercial unit consisting of office space, kitchen, toilets, storage & circulation spaces to the South West of the retained building with connections to services and all other associated site works and services. (iv) The construction of 2Nr.Wash pads with associated canopies with connections to services. (v) The installation of building signage and totems, together with all connections to services and all other ancillary site works
Nellcor Puritan Bennett Ireland Extension to Medtronic Facility, Michael Collins Road, Mervue, Galway. MICHAEL COLLINS ROAD, Galway, galway, H91 W9N4Description:
The construction of 2 storey extension to the North Western elevation of the existing plant along with connections to services and all other associated site works and services.
10 Ashe Rd Glennon Extension 10 Ashe Rd, Shantalla, Galway, galway, H91 Y3CRDescription:
Alterations and Additions to the existing dwelling house including the addition of a two storey extension to the side of the existing house, the addition of a single storey extension to the front of the house to include a new porch and replacement windows
Boston Scientific Galway - Building 2 Mod 3 - Cleanroom Fit Out Ballybrit Business Park, Galway, galway, H91 RD63Description:
Works in Building 2 Mod 3 at Boston Scientific Galway including Cleanroom Fit Out, modifications to building facades and associated works
Creig Árd Residential Development Ros Caoin, Roscam, galwayDescription:
Construction of 20 residential units comprising; 10 no. two storey 4 bedroom semi-detached houses, 2 no. two storey 3 bedroom semi-detached houses, 8 no. two storey three bedroom terraced house with all associated siteworks at Curragrean, Roscam, Galway (Phase 1)
New Extensions To Existing Dwelling 40 Fairhill Road Lower, Galway, galway, H91 RHW7Description:
New Extensions To Existing Dwelling
SHB 2 - Galway 74 Maoilin, Galway, galway, naDescription:
At Ballyburke Galway - Residential development on 2.1 hectares of land of 74 no. residential units comprising of: (i) 2 no. 4 bed houses; (ii) 30 no. 3 bed house; (iii) 12 no. 2 bed duplex units and 12 no. 2 bed apartment units; and (iv) 9 no. 3 bed duplex units and 9 no. apartment units, with (v) renewable energy design measures for each housing unit; and (b) supporting development works including (i) extension to the existing access road serving the school; (ii) MUGA facility; (iii) playground; (iv) ESB substation; (v) underground surface water attenuation; (vi) temporary construction signage; (vii) estate signage; (viii) varied site boundary treatment comprising walls and fencing; and (ix) all associated site works.
Unit 12 Gateway Retail Park Unit 12, Gateway Retail Park, Western Distributor Road, Knocknacarra, Galway, Galway, galway, H91 A00VDescription:
Proposed works consist of internal fit-out of Unit 12 to form a large retail space which extends over 2 floors. There is an ancillary café space proposed to the west end of the building from Gridline 3 to Gridline 4.5 at Gateway Retail Park, Knocknacarra, Galway
2 Houses and sheds at Mincloon 30 Linn Bhuí, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of 2 semi detached houses and 2 sheds.
82265 - Patrick & Hilary Power - New House at Bushypark, Galway 8 Árd An Locha, Galway, galwayDescription:
The development will consist of a change of house type from that previously granted planning permission under planning reference no.18/14 (& previously 12/326 & 16/327),together with associated site works,services & connections to public utilities.