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Enda Mulligan Castlegar, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a dwelling house
Niall Mooney Galway, galway, H91 V3AW
Caireal Mor, Block T Cairéal Mór, Galway, galwayDescription:
Permission for the construction of 81 No. residential units in 8 number two and three storey blocks at Caireal Mor, Headford Road, Galway (Block T)
Opt out extension to dwelling 20 Blackthorn Park, Galway, galway, H91 EC8KDescription:
two storey extension to side single storey extension to rear
Doctors Surgery Briarhill Shopping Centre Briarhill shopping centre, Briarhill, galway, H91 FEK2Description:
Doctors Surgery Briarhill Shopping Centre
Aine Ni Fhloinn & Michael Heavey 25 Drom Oir, Galway, galway, H91 Y56EDescription:
Demolish existing fire damage semi-detached house and replace it with dwelling house to match existing house.
New Extension No. 20. Racecourse Lawn, Ballybrit, Galway, galway, H91 NYV2Description:
New Rear Extension To Existing Dwelling.
Letteragh Road Mixed Development Letteragh Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Commencement notice for 46 no. dwelling houses which will form part of a larger devlopment consisting of a total of 101 no. residential units (46 no. houses, 55 no. apartments), childcare facility and associated site works. Townlands of Letteragh and Rahoon
First Floor Extension over the existing Ground Floor Extension No. 40. Glenview Drive, Riverside, Galway, galway, H91 A7XDDescription:
First Floor Extension over the existing Ground Floor Extension
Extension to 18 Mac Dara Road, Shantalla, Galway 18 McDara Road, Galway, galway, H91 AHP9Description:
The Demolition of the existing sheds and construction of a single storey to the rear and porch to the side as well as the reconfiguration of the existing house including new windows and the relocation of the front door to the side porch at 18 Mac Dara Road, Shantalla, Galway