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Extension to 14 Monivea Park, Galway 14 Monivea Park, Galway, galway, H91 E3FDDescription:
Permission for development which consists of a single storey side and rear extension to dwelling house (54.11 sqm), and modifications to dwelling house including new windows to front elevation, with all necessary siteworks.
Briarhill Business Park Gym Briarhill Business Park, Galway, galway, H91 HH76Description:
Material alteration and change of use from retail to gym/fitness centre including fit out works at Units 11 & 12 Merchants House, Briarhill Business Park, Briarhill, Galway.
Building 2 MOD 1 Secondary Pack Phase 2 BALLYBRIT BUSINESS PARK, Galway, galway, H91 RD63Description:
Development of area of fallow space for "secondary packaging" production
Application No.: -
St. Mary's College Galway - Construction Studies Room 26 Saint Mary's Road, Galway, galway, H91 XV2RDescription:
The proposed project will consist of renovation of existing classrooms into a new construction studies classroom room, preparation & store room and ICT classroom at St Marys College, Galway
Application No.: -
University Pharmacy University Halls, Newcastle Road, Galway, Galway, galway, H91 K2R8Description:
(a) change of use of the existing banking hall to doctors’ surgery (b) all associated elevation changes and (c) all associated works at University Halls, Newcastle Road, Galway.
St Helens Taylors Hill Galway Taylor's Hill Road, Galway, galway, H91 DWK7Description:
Retention of 50Msq rear Extension. Construction of 87.5M extension to west elevation and construction of underground Garage
Crown Square Monivea Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Proposed material alteration and extension to existing incomplete double basementat Crown Square, Galway.
Caireal Mor, Block Q2 Cairéal Mór, Galway, galwayDescription:
Permission for the construction of 81 No. residential units in 8 number two and three storey blocks at Caireal Mor, Headford Road, Galway
Units 10 & 11 Briarhill Unit 10 & 11 Briarhill, Galway, galway, H91 F984Description:
Modifications (relocation of separating wall) between Units 10 & 11
Application No.: -
Dwelling at 12 Caislin, Terryland 12 Caislin, Dyke Road, Terryland, Galway, galwayDescription:
New dwelling at 12 Caislin, Dyke Road,Terryland, Galway