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Ken Coogan - Extension at No.16 Dalton Drive, Salthill 16 d'alton Drive, Salthill, galway, H91 HF5ADescription:
1) Demolition of existing single storey extensions to side and front of existing dwelling house and 2) construction of new 2 storey extension to side and single storey extensions to front and rear of existing dwelling house at No. 16 Dalton Drive, Salthill, Galway.
Bank Of Ireland Eyre Square 43 Eyre Square, Galway, galway, H91 D6X9Description:
Proposed alterations to existing signage on the south-east (front), north-east (side), north-west (rear) and south-west (side) elevations to comprise replacement of existing signage with new signage and the installation of 2 No. louvres to north-east elevation
Development at Ballymoneen Road Ballymoneen Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of 10 no two storey houses as part of phase 2 of overall development
Tiger Trust SSAP-Wayfair Project Liosban Buisness Park, Galway, galway, H91 E7DV
Conservation and repair of the ex. east and west wing roofs of Quadrangle Building, NUIG 1 University Road, Galway, galway, H91 D9CVDescription:
Conservation and repair of the ex. east and west wing roofs of Quadrangle Building, NUIG. The works are to include the reinstatement of the centre section of the east wing roof to its original profile, repair and re-pointing of stone parapets, turrets, pinnacles, clock tower and chimney stacks and the repair / renewal of all gutters and flashings. The Quadrangle Building is a protected structure ref. no. 10303
2.4m high security fence at Galway West Business Park, Rahoon, Galway. Galway West Business Park, Rahoon, Galway., Galway, galway, H91 Y03HDescription:
Permission to construct a 2.4m high security fence, 4 entrance gates, and associated works, on the roadside boundary of the lands at subsites 1, 3, 4, 7 & 8 at Galway West Business Park, Rahoon, Galway.
Residential development at Curragrean, Roscam, Galway, County Galway permitted under reg ref 16/215 CURRAGREAN, ROSCAM, GALWAY, Roscam, galwayDescription:
New Porch Structure 29 Corrib Park, Galway, galway, H91 KDX4Description:
New Porch Structure
Covidien Shed Extension 6 Mallin Avenue, Galway, galway, H91 YX9KDescription:
The removal of existing gas tank & air handling units. Construction of extension to existing storage shed along the eastern elevation of existing plant together with connections to services and all other associated site works
Renovation & Extension 16 Shantalla Place 16 Shantalla Place, Galway, galway, H91 APY2Description:
The Renovation and small rear extension 8.13sqM to the existing dwelling house at No.16 Shantalla Place, Galway City.
Application No.: