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Durabhan Houses Durabhán, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of three dwelling houses consisting of 2 no semi detached two storey units and one detached unit
Galway Clinic-new electrical equipment rooms Martin Roundabout, Galway, galway, H91 HHT0Description:
One-storey high extension to existing hospital at Galway Clinic, Doughiska, Galway,comprising new electrical equipment rooms at first floor level.
Cahermorris Residential Development 142 Cairéal Mór, Castlegar, galwayDescription:
Residential Development of 15 No Dwelling Houses (Northern block consists of 7 no. 3 bed terraced two storey and 1 single storey two bed. Southern block consists of 3 no. 4 bed terraced two storey, 3 no. 3 bed terraced two storey and 1 no. 4 bed detached two storey) and all associated and ancillary site works
Remove part of existing front boundary wall and provide 2 no. car park spaces 7 Colman's road, Galway, galway, H91 XW9KDescription:
Remove part of existing front boundary wall and provide 2 no. car park spaces
Extension and granny flat 20 St Mary's Rd 20 St Mary's Rd, Galway, galway, H91 F65VDescription:
Demolition of existing two storey rear extension and construction of new two storey extension and detached shed to the rear, conversion of garage to granny flat and all associated site services
New Hotel Development 84 Bohermore, Galway, galwayDescription:
Construction of a hotel on an overall site of 0.29 ha (0.73 acres). Construction of a part-two, part-three, part-four storey hotel over lower ground floor (with fourth floor level setbacks to the south-east) in 2No. blocks( the north-western block ( fronting Prospect Hill/ Bohermore) and the south-eastern block (located to the rear of the site) connected at all floor levels) comprising 139 No. bedrooms and related hotel facilities (including: reception area; lounge area; dining area; 2No. bars; storage; associated signage; administration and staff facilities; plant ( including substation with associated switch room); waste storage area; and delivery and dispatch area), with total gross floor area of 5,310 sq m (including lower ground level of 1,269 sq m). The development includes works to protect and conserve the older elements of No.86 Bohermore and also the existing former railway tunnel (located beneath No.80 Prospect Hill) that will be integrated into the overall proposal, which includes for a change of use of these areas from residential use and infrastructural use to hotel use, respectively. The development will also include the provisions of: vehicular and pedestrian access via Prospect Hill; 11 No. car parking spaces; associated lighting; associated site servicing (foul and surface water drainage and water supply); SUDs measures, including attenuation tank and sedum roofs; and gardens and courtyards. The scheme also includes: all hard and soft landscaping; boundary treatments; changes in level ; and all other associated site excavation and site development works above and below ground.
The Western Hotel - Third Floor Bedroom Block 33 Prospect Hill, Galway, galway, H91 Y3FADescription:
Provision of 5 No. additional bedrooms on existing roof deck at third floor level.
BSCI Covered External Walkway and Pathway BALLYBRIT BUSINESS PARK, Galway, galway, H91 RD63Description:
Construction of a covered external walkway and pathway between Building 1 and Building 2 (Partly Temporary) modifications to the existing car parking layout including the removal of 26 no. car parking spaces and the creation of parallel parking bays (Partly Temporary), consisting of an asphalt finish to roads and parking spaces, concrete footpath, lighting, drainage and all associated site works
Development at No.'s 5 and 6/7 Quay Lane including No.2 Flood Street Ground Floor 6 Quay Lane, Galway, galway, H91 V0CNDescription:
The development will consist of Change of Use of 6-7 Quay Lane from former Café / Bar Licenced Premises to ground floor café and first floor retail use with associated storage at second floor level including internal alterations, conservation works, external signage and associated works
Development at Ballymoneen Road Ballymoneen Road, Galway, galwayDescription:
All site ground works including all site services, boundaries nad landscaping