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New one-off dwelling, Belville, Freshford, Co. Kilkenny. Belville, , Balleen Hill, Kilkenny,Description:
Construction of a part two-storey and part one-storey private residence, splayed site entrance, driveway, borewell, wastewater treatment system and soil polishing filter and all associated site works at Belville, Freshford, Co. Kilkenny.
Proposed New Dwelling Dungarvan, , Ballyroughan, Kilkenny,Description:
for the erection of a dwelling house (change of house type from plans approved under Planning Reference Number 20319) all associated site works
Dog Boarding Kennels & Cattary, DOURNANE Kilkenny, X91 W8EWDescription:
Construction for new Dog Boarding Kennels, Cattery and all associated works.
Hanrahan Dwelling Tinnascolly, , The Rower, Kilkenny,Description:
Construction of a dwelling house, carport connecting to utility spaces and store room, site entrance and all associated site works
New House Baunreagh baunreagh, , Kilkenny, Kilkenny,Description:
Construction of a new Dwelling
construction of a single storey masonary detached fully serviced bungallow situated at Cooleen, Tullagher, Co. Kilkenny Cooleen, , Tullagher, Kilkenny,Description:
construction of a single storey masonary detached fully serviced bungallow
MGM Goresbridge 1 Barrack Street, , Goresbridge, Kilkenny,Description:
Dwelling Nos 4,5,6,7,11,12 of: demolish existing shed for access (connected to protected structure NIAH Ref. No. 12311007 not of this Planning Application), construction of 10 no. dwellings to include 4 no. 4-bedroom and 6 no. 3-bedroom with connection to all existing services and all associated site works at Barrack Street, (Barrowmont townsland), Goresbridge, Co Kilkenny
Erect a detached masonary dormor fully serviced dwelling & attached garage situated at Brownstown, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny Brownstown, , Thomastown, Kilkenny,Description:
Erection of a detached masonary dormor fully serviced dwelling and attached domestic garage
MGM Goresbridge 2 Barrack Street, , Goresbridge, Kilkenny,Description:
Dwellings 1,2,3,8,9,10 of: to replace 2 no. semidetached 4 bedroom units with 2 no. terraced blocks containing 3 no. 2 bedroom dwellings and all associated affected site works, on sites 1,2,7 and 8 as previously granted permission under planning file reg 20/499 (on part curtilage of protected structure NIAH Ref. No. 12311007) at Barrack Street, (Barrowmount townsland), Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny
Construct conversion of the existing car port into a living area extending beyond the current existing at 15 The Sycamores, Fres 15 The Sycamores,, , Kilkenny, Kilkenny, R95 DH9XDescription:
for the conversion of the existing car port into a living area extending beyond the current existing footprint if the property and all associated site works. And extension to rear of dwelling