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Elizabeth Brady & Daniel Neeson Dwelling house Tulaigh Bhriain TD., Clones Road, monaghanDescription:
Construction of a two storey dwelling house, domestic garage, install a sewerage treatment unit and raised percolation area and all associated site works.
12 Glencove Manor, Monaghan 12 Glencove Manor, Monaghan, monaghanDescription:
Demolish existing rear return and construct a single-storey rear extension together with single-storey entrance porch and all associated works
1424 Corrygarry, Drum, monaghanDescription:
Extension of existing church building to create a general purpose space for church use with kitchen and toilets included and create new pedestrian entrance to graveyard
Christopher Mc Guirks Dwelling LISNAVEANE STRANOODEN, Swans Cross, monaghanDescription:
construct a dormer/storey & a half type dwelling house along with detached domestic garage, together with proprietary waste-water treatment system & associated site works
Extension to dwellinghouse at Mullylusty, Coolderry, Carrickmacross Mullylusty, Coolderry,, Carrickmacross, monaghanDescription:
The construction of a two storey extension to the rear of a dwellinghouse and a single storey extension to the side of a dwellinghouse.
Conor & Janet Bradley - 1 no. dwelling at Corvackan, Shantonagh Corvackan, Shantonagh, , Castleblaney, monaghanDescription:
Demolish existing dwelling and erect a new storey and a half dwelling house at Corvackan, Shantonagh
Poc Fada - Monaghan 1 North Road, Monaghan, monaghanDescription:
Planning Permission sought for change of use of existing first and second floor storage areas to form restaurant and ancillary areas. Permission is also sought to convert existing ground floor off-licence to form new entrance/reception area for restaurant with all associated and ancillary works to existing licenced premises at An Poc Fada, North Road, Monaghan.
Proposed pallet store Drumganus lower, Broomfield, Castleblayney, monaghanDescription:
Proposed pallet store to serve the existing poultry facility.
New Dwelling House Knocknagrave, Tydavnet, monaghanDescription:
Construction of a dormer bungalow, installation of a waste water treatment system and all associated site works
Barkey Dwelling house Tonniscoffey, Dunraymond, XIII 12/16 (O.S Ref No.), monaghanDescription:
Erect a dormer style dwelling house, detached domestic garage with associated entrance, services and all associated site works.