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1819 results

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  • To construct a new domestic dwelling house at Skrine, Athleague, Co. Roscommon Skrine, Lugboy, roscommon

    To construct a new domestic dwelling house at Skrine, Athleague, Co. Roscommon, planning reference no: 21576

    21576 View details
  • To construct a new domestic dwelling house at Carrownabrickna, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon Carrownabrickna, Roscommon, roscommon

    To construct a new domestic dwelling house at Carrownabrickna, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon, planning reference no: 21639.

    21639 View details
  • To construct a new domestic shed at Carrownabrickna, Roscommon, Co Roscommon Carrownabrickna, Roscommon, roscommon

    To construct a new domestic shed at Carrownabrickna, Roscommon, Co Roscommon planning reference no: 21639

    21639 View details
  • To Construct a Domestic Garage at Barry More, Kiltoom, Athlone, Co Roscommon Barry More, Kiltoom, Athlone, roscommon

    To Construct a Domestic Garage and associated works at Barry More, Kiltoom, Athlone, Co Roscommon

    22252 View details
  • Construct a dwelling house at Barry More Kiltoom Athlone Co. Roscommon Barry More, Kiltoom, Athlone, roscommon

    To construct a dwelling house along with connections to services and all other site development works at Barry More Kiltoom Athlone Co. Roscommon

    22252 View details
  • Construction of 11no. residential units & conversion of existing house to 2no apartments at Ardnanagh,Lisnamult,Co.Roscommmon 5 Saint Theresa's Road, , Roscommon, Roscommon,

    Construction of 11 no. new residential units and conversion /extension of existing house to 2 no. apartment units with an overall proposed units of 13 on two separate sites. Site no. 1 will consist of the demolition of dwelling house, side and rear boundary walls, storage sheds and construction of (a) 4 no. 2 bed terrace units (House Type A). (b.) 2 no. 1 bed Duplex Apartments (House Type B and B1). (c.) 2 no. 1 Bed Duplex Apartments (House Type C and C1) with 2 parking spaces to rear. (d) conversion of existing two storey detached house to 2 no. Units of 2 bed Duplex Apartments, new shared parking area to rear for 7 parking spaces and 1 disabled parking space. Site no. 2 will consist of 3 no. 2 bed Terrace units with altered access and 3 No off-street parking spaces with all associated site development works including construction of access roads, footpaths, public & private open spaces, car parking spaces, boundary wall/fence, street lighting, ducting for utilities, hard & soft landscaped areas, diversion, and formation of new connections to existing foul/surface water drainage and existing utilities at Ardnanagh T.D. Lisnamult, Co. Roscommon on behalf of Roscommon County Council.

    21697 View details
  • Refurbish an Existing Cottage at Erra Tarmonbarry erra, Termonbarry, roscommon, N41 YV22

    Refurbish and Extension to Existing Cottage, at Erra, Tarmonbarry, Co. Roscommon.

    PD22/19 View details
  • Slatted shed at Culliagh Ballinasloe Co. Roscommon Culliagh, Old Town, roscommon

    Three bay slatted shed and all associated site works

    21/482 View details
  • New Dwelling at Binmuck, Lecarrow Binmuck, Lecarrow, roscommon

    Construction of a new dwelling house at Binmuck, Lecarrow Planning Ref: 20/575

    20575 View details
  • Permission to construct a warehouse, along with a connection to existing utility services at Killarney Townland, Roscommon Killarney Townland Roscommon, Roscommon, roscommon

    Permission to construct a warehouse, along with a connection to existing utility services, boundary treatments at Killarney Townland, Roscommon

    20/547 View details



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