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1821 results

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  • Construct a dwelling house at Curry, Brideswell, Athlone, Co Roscommon Curry, Brideswell, roscommon

    Opt Out- Construct a dwelling house, waste water treatment system & associated siteworks at Curry, Brideswell, Athlone, Co Roscommon

    21/237 View details
  • Construction of an agricultural development including milking parlour & cubicle shed at Lisduff & Cregga Td's, Elphin Lisduff Td. & Cregga Td, Elphin, roscommon

    Construction of Milking Parlour and handling facilities, cubicle shed, slurry tank, slurry lagoon, silage slab, silos and associated works

    20/493 View details
  • Conservation and development work to Protected structure, RPS: 00600311 at Rockingham Stable Building Boyle Rockingham Demesne, Boyle, roscommon, n/a

    Conservation and development work to Protected structure, RPS: 00600311 for use as a dwelling house, including reinstatement of roof with addition of a roof light on ridge and new flue, provision of new rainwater goods, removal of one internal wall, provision of new windows/doors to existing opes, provision of new floor and internal partition walls, provision of new vehicular entrance, onsite waste water treatment system, and all associated works at Rockingham Stable Building, Kingston Hall, Rockingham Demesne, Boyle, Co. Roscommon.

    PD/20/324 View details
  • Minor alterations & changes to dwelling in Cloongownagh Cloongownagh , Carrick on Shannon, roscommon, N41 E9C8

    New dormer installed at the front of the house, slider door, two windows installed on west gable sitting room and new playroom window installed at rear of the property. Four velux windows installed - two at the front and one on the west gable and one on the east gable.

    PD/21/67 View details
  • Extension to Existing Dwelling at The Demense Loughglynn The Demesne , Loughglynn, roscommon, F45 T927

    To construct extension to existing dwelling and connect to new waste water treatment plant

    PD/21/366 View details
  • Vaccination Centre Covid-19 Crises Golf Links Road Roscommon Roscommon, roscommon, F42 YX65

    Provision of Local Vaccination Centre at Roscommon Conference Centre Roscommon F42 YX65

    Application No.:
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  • Erect a Domestic Garage at Ballybride, Co. Roscommon Ballybride, Roscommon, roscommon


    21/288 View details
  • Construct Dwelling at Carroweighter, Donamon, Co. Roscommon Carroweighter, Donamon, roscommon

    Construction of a new detached storey & half type 4 bedroom dwelling (275 sqm) with all associated site works at Carroweighter, Donamon, Co. Roscommon

    21448 View details
  • Erect a Dwellinghouse at Ballybride, Co. Roscommon Ballybride, Roscommon, roscommon


    21/288 View details
  • Construction of new dwelling and garage at 2 Cuilmore Cove Cuilmore Cove, Boyle, roscommon

    construction of a new single storey dwelling, detached garage and all associated site works

    PD/21/161 View details



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