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Development of dwelling house at Brackloon T.d., Ballinagare Brackloon townland, Ballindollaghan, roscommonDescription:
Construction of single dwelling house, connection to on site wastewater treatment system,all associated site works including new entrance new entrance
To Complete Dwelling House Excluding Worked Already Complete and Covered Under Due Diligence Report at Ballyforan, Co. Roscommon Hawthorn Avenue, Ballyforan, roscommonDescription:
To Complete Dwelling House Excluduing Worked Already Complete and Covered Under Due Diligence Report at Ballyforan, Co. Roscommon Pd 20/530
Dwelling at Ballyclare Ballyleague Ballyclare, Ballyleague, Lanesborough, roscommonDescription:
Construction of Split-Level Dwelling and Ancillary Site Works at Ballyclare, Ballyleague, Co. Roscommon
Erection of single storey dwelling house at Cloonlaughnan Cloonlaughnan, Mount Talbot, roscommonDescription:
Erection of single storey dwelling house at Cloonlaughnan
6 Domestic Dwellings Brideswell Brideswell, Brideswell, roscommonDescription:
the construction of 6 number detached 2 story houses, consisting of 3 number 4 bedroom houses and 3 number 3 bedroom houses, each serviced by independent wastewater treatment systems comprising of septic tank & polishing filter to house number 1,3 & 4; mechanical aeration system with polishing filter to house no. 2, 5 & 6; new access road, green area and all associated site development works
Conversion of 4 no existing 1 bed semidetached units into 2 no 5 bedroom detached units @ Bri an Caoilinn Harristown Castlerea Harristown, roscommon, F45 YC89Description:
Conversion of 4 no existing 1 bed semidetached residential unit into 2 no 5 bedroom detached units to include alterations to existing internal layouts/external elevations, demolition of full height chimneys, upgrade of internal & external services, installation of new windows, internal & external doors, new kitchens, hot & cold water tanks, installation/upgrading of electrics, upgrade/replace attic insulations & rain water goods & demolition of selected external walls & construction of new at Bri an Caoilinn Traveller accommodation site, Harristown, Castlerea, Co Roscommon for Roscommon County Council.
To Construct Domestic Garage at Ballyforan, Ballinasloe, Co. Roscommon 18 Hawthorn Avenue, Ballyforan, roscommonDescription:
To Construct Domestic Garage at Ballyforan, Ballinasloe, Co. Roscommon Pd 20/530
Dwelling House Extension - Knockdangan Knockdangan, Athleague, roscommon, F42 KD66Description:
Proposed Two Storey Extension to Rear of Dwelling, Proposed Single Storey Extension to Side of Dwelling, Proposed Single Storey Porch Extension to Front of Dwelling, Upgrading Existing Septic Tank to Proprietary Treatment system & percolation area and associated works
Extensions and Fit out of Fallow Space at Jazz Pharma Athlone Monksland, Athlone, roscommon, N37 AX84Description:
Ground floor extension, façade alterations, and fitout of labs and offices to existing fallow buildings at Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Monksland, Co. Roscommon.
2 No. Dwellings At Rahara Rahara, Roscommon, roscommonDescription:
Proposed completion of existing 2 no. partially constructed dwelling houses excluding works already completed as detailed in the Due Diligence Report together with the installation of 2 no. wastewater treatment systems with percolation areas, entrances, boundary fences/walls & landscaping works.