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New Dwelling House at Carrowcuill Kilmore Carrowcuill, Kilmore, roscommonDescription:
Erection of New Dwelling House,provide sewerage system and treatment unit to provide secondary and tertiary treatment and all associated works at Carrowcuill, Kilmore, Ck-on-Shannon, Co. Roscommon
Construction of domestic garage at Moore North, Ballydangan Moore North, Ballydangan, roscommonDescription:
Construction of domestic garage at Moore North, Ballydangan, Athlone, Co. Roscommon.
Construction of a dwellinghouse at Moore North, Ballydangan, Moore North, Ballydangan, roscommonDescription:
'Opt-Out' Construction of a dwellinghouse, waste water treatment system & associated siteworks at Moore North, Ballydangan, Athlone, Co Roscommon
Extension to existing dwelling house and all associated siteworks at Leamore, Ballintubber, Co. Roscommon Leamore, Ballintubber, roscommon, F45 XE27Description:
Extension to existing dwelling house and all associated siteworks at Leamore, Ballintubber, Co. Roscommon
Sub division and change of use to 4 No Apartments at Baile na Mona, Ballinlough Baile na Mona, Ballinlough, roscommon, F45 EW01Description:
Sub division and change of use from vacant commercial units to 4 no. Apartments
Application No.: -
Standalone Extension to Tulsk N.S. Tulsk, Castlerea, roscommon, F45 VE84Description:
Construction of a stand-alone classroom, to the rear of the existing school, comprising of one classroom, toilets and circulation area, including extending site boundary to include lands previously used by the Church and the Parocial House and including connections to all services and all other associated site works at Tulsk National School, Carrownageeluan Td., Tulsk, Castlerea, in accordance with the plans submitted with the application.
Extension of Aurivo Animal Feeds Mill Building Dublin Road, Ballaghaderreen, roscommon, F45 K193Description:
Extension to Existing Animal Feeds Mill Building at Dublin Road, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Roscommon.
toilet development at Saint Cecilias Church Curraghroe curraghroe, roscommon, roscommon, F42 AF82Description:
installation of a temporary toilet facility at saint cecilias church curraghroe and associated site works in accordance with the plans submitted to roscommon coco.
Construction of new 2 storey dwelling at Lowtown Kilcashel Unnamed Road, Kilcashel, roscommonDescription:
Construct a new 2 storey dwelling , effluent treatment system and all associated works at Lowtown,Kilcashel, Co. Roscommon
New Extension at Lisbrock, Ratawragh Lisbrock, Ratawragh, Kiltoom, roscommon, N37 VW95Description:
Construction of a new extension at Lisbrock, Ratawragh Planning Ref:20/468