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Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling house ref:18501 @ Derrineel, Athlone, Co. Roscommon Derrineel, , Athlone, , roscommon, N37 F2Y9Description:
Extension to an existing dwelling house ref: Duffy PD 18501 @ Derrineel, Athlone, Co. Roscommon
Roscommon Hospice 23 Ardsallagh Woods, Roscommon, roscommonDescription:
Palliative care centre, providing palliative day care services, shared therapies, 8 no. in-patient bedrooms and associated ancillary areas, home care and administration offices, café/restaurant, reflection room and family visitor’s suite, together with plant, waste and storage areas.
Salamisso Developments Monksland 18 Cedarwood Drive, Athlone, roscommonDescription:
Planning permission for the development of 27 No. residential units with public open space and associated site works
extension to existing dwelling Annette spellman POLLOWER, BOYLE, roscommon, F52 YD62Description:
the development will consist of the construction of a single storey extension to west side of the house, provision of a new window on the south elevation of the house and ancillary site works
EXTENSION TO HOUSE AND UPGRADE OF TREATMENT SYSTEM REF: PD/18/612 AT Cloonmore Td., Portrunny, Co Roscommon roscommon, F42 AW27Description:
EXTENSION TO HOUSE AND UPGRADE OF TREATMENT SYSTEM REF: PD/18/612 AT Cloonmore Td., Portrunny, Co Roscommon, F42 AW27
extension to rear of take away premises Lanesborough Street, Roscommon, roscommon, 000000Description:
erection of extension to rear of tske away premises , including toilet and storage accommodation
CHANGE OF USE FROM CRECHE TO DIGITAL HUB Meadow Brook, TULSK, roscommon, F45 HP68Description:
Erection of dwelling house at Hillsend , Falty Hillsend, Faltia, Athlone, roscommonDescription:
Erection of dwelling house and sewerage treatment plant
CONSTRUCT DOMESTIC GARAGE Unnamed Road, Roscommon, roscommon, 0000000Description:
Construct dwelling house Bellaneeny, Ballinasloe, roscommonDescription:
'Opt Out'Construct dwelling house and install waste water treatment unit with polishing filter at Bellaneeny, Taughmaconnell, Ballinasloe, Co. Roscommon