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Tully Hill, Rathcormack, Sligo F91 YK46 Tully Hill, Sligo, F91 YK46Description:
Alterations and Side Extension to existing two storey detached dwelling at Tully Hill, Rathcormack, Co Sligo F91 YK46
84, Fairways, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14, D14KX51 84 Fairways, , Rathfarnham, South Dublin, D14 KX51Description:
For the demolition of existing rear extension, construction of new single storey rear extension, new first floor extension over existing garage with extended hip roof, conversion of side garage to habitable space, new porch structure, lowering of existing ground floor level, elevational window changes, widening of existing front entrance, new bin store in front garden, external garden works and all associated works.
Johnsbridge Attic Strickland 24 Johnsbridge Park, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 KH90Description:
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, raising of existing gable C/W window and Dutch hip, new access stairs , 2no roof windows to the front and flat roof dormer to the rear
57 Butterfield Park 57 Butterfield Park, , , South Dublin, D14 Y5X6Description:
Construction of a new single storey extension to the rear and conversion of the existing garage and utility to the side and associated works
Colthurst Attic Smullen 24 Colthurst Crescent, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 X273Description:
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, new gable window, new access stairs and flat roof dormer to the rear.
7 Hallwell Grove, Adamstown, Lucan, Co Dublin 7 Hallwell Grove, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 K8W8Description:
A ground floor pitched roof single storey extension to rear of existing house with associated site works.
24 Crannagh Park Renovation 24 Crannagh Park, , Rathfarnham, South Dublin, D14 V208Description:
Change to use of the existing garage into a habitable room. Two storey extension to front of existing house to form a projecting bay element, first floor extension over the garage to the side , a single storey extension to the rear of the site. New dormer structure to rear and conversion of the attic space to a habitable space. Velux roof lights to front and side of new roof profile. Widening of existing vehicular entrance and all associated site works.
The Hall Project Cummins Scholarstown Road, , Dublin, South Dublin, D16 A7X2Description:
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, new gable window, new access stairs and 3no. roof windows to the front. Construction of single storey extension to the side of existing dwelling comprising of Family Room.
Colthurst Attic Reid 21 Colthurst Close, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 KX60Description:
Conversion of existing attic space comprising of modification of existing roof structure, new gable window, new access stairs and flat roof dormer to the rear.
17, Weston Drive, Lucan, Dublin 17 Weston Drive, , Lucan, South Dublin, K78 EE76Description:
First floor extension to the side and front. Single-story extension to the rear, for extended living.